nodeconf / EU-CFP

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Running node.js applications on live phone calls within carrier networks #47

Open mpermar opened 9 years ago

mpermar commented 9 years ago

We are all used to applications that run within our smartphones, but what if we all could create, with just very few lines of code, applications that run seamlessly on live phone calls? These applications sit on the carrier networks and open the door to use cases that would be very difficult or impossible to implement otherwise. Imagine for example a trader that needs to have all his or hell calls recorded by regulation mandate, or sales people that wish to have all their calls pushed, recorded and transcribed automatically into SalesForce, or a smart routing system that forwards calls to different devices depending on the time of the day. These apps don't depend on any device, don't have to worry about the smartphone battery being exhausted or about that trader who got his phone broken and now has to use another phone in the last minute. They just run, because they live elsewhere, on the network itself.

So, we have implemented the above. It's a PaaS platform that we sell to carriers and it's called Tropo.js. It's already running in some of the biggest carriers of the world and node.js was a fundamental technology for the success of this platform. If people are interested, I'd like to expose why we did choose node.js, how we use it and how we integrate it with CloudFoundry to implement a carrier grade PaaS platform. This wouldn't be a technical talk but more a story about how we are using the technology, it's use cases and what we did like (most) and didn't (not much, really).


My name is Martin Perez, I'm the principal architect behind the Tropo.js implementation. I now work for Cisco from a lovely and tiny remote village in Spain. Previously worked in Tropo for the last four years, but the company got acquired by Cisco this May 2015. I've worked as a software developer for more than 15 years mainly in Java, PHP, Groovy, Grails and more recently node.js. Speaker, open source author and contributor and events organiser. Would love to join you guys on this conference.