nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
10 stars 6 forks source link

Node & Musical Performance #5

Closed hughrawlinson closed 8 years ago

hughrawlinson commented 9 years ago

I could do a talk on musical performance with node.

A little background on me: I'm nearly finished my Music Computing degree at Goldsmiths, moving to work with the Irish startup Soundwave in a few weeks. I (along with two other students here) work on Meyda, an Audio Feature Extraction library for the web audio api, and co-authored a paper on it that I presented at the Web Audio Conference in January.

I'm currently working on a live-coding framework for Node, which would provide the basis for my talk. I'd do an introduction to musical live-coding more generally and talk about the influence various frameworks had on my project, and the extra bits I added to play to Javascript's strong points. I would also integrate a short demonstration performance into my talk.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

@hughrawlinson we tried to invite you but your github email bounced, can you send me you email addres?

hughrawlinson commented 9 years ago

Ah, sorry, I need to change that. will work. Thanks!