nodeconf / EU-CFP

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Visulator: Learn about CPUs and Assembly on an interactive Playground in the Browser #53

Open thlorenz opened 9 years ago

thlorenz commented 9 years ago


Learn about CPUs and Assembly on an interactive Playground in the Browser



Do you feel like you are unsure about what's going on inside a computer under the hood? Have you ever wondered if you should learn assembly to help you understand, but were afraid it was too hard? Don't you fret, this talk and visulator are here to help!

visulator is a visual CPU emulator designed as an interactive resource to learn about assembly language and the CPU. Not only can you play with the examples and see whats going on inside the CPU but also detailed documentation and links to other resources are included with the repo. The animations are designed to help you understand how registers and flags are affected by each instruction. Additionally specific instructions like add are animated in detail.

In this talk I will explain how visulator was built using current web technologies and give some insight into how a CPU processes assembly instructions.


This talk will have two sections. In one I'll demystify how CPUs work and how assembly language relates to the processed instructions. In the other I'll detail how visulator was built and how it works.

CPUs and Assembly



Thorsten is a Jazz musician turned developer and is excited about Node.js and its community The fast turnaround from idea to working module has proven addictive for him and led to lots of modules which ended up on github and/or npm. He also contributes to other awesome open source efforts like browserify to which he added source map support.

Lately he has been focusing on understanding the Node.js stack in more depth, focusing on libuv and v8.

Thorsten works for NodeSource.

a0viedo commented 9 years ago

I'm really diggin this talk! I imagine that visulator could be great for a learnyouassembly workshopper

thlorenz commented 9 years ago

@a0viedo I thought about that as well - some ways to go, but definitely possible.