nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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How I created my Tinder like app #56

Open MaximeThoonsen opened 9 years ago

MaximeThoonsen commented 9 years ago


We made a Tinder like app with some friends. I want to share with you the whole story and what I have learnt from this great experience. I will explain the full stack of our app. Why we chose angular for the front and ionic for the native app. Why I liked to build it with no other framework than express. How usefull was sequelize to manage our postgresql requests. Why ansible was a great choice with no regret to provision our servers. How will be my stack now, if I had to rebuild it from scratch. I will explain all of this in my talk.

I will also speak about how we try to follow the Lean Startup advices, what we succeed to do and where we failed.

Speaker bio

Maxime Thoonsen is a fullstack developer at theodo. He has been working for one and half year on Angular/Node projects. He is also very interested in the Devops world where Ansible is its best ally.

Twitter @maxthoon