nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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Doggielytics #6

Open ycombinator opened 9 years ago

ycombinator commented 9 years ago



Meet our dog, Seger (named after that great rock 'n roller, Bob Seger). Seger has a little doggie door through which he visits our backyard. Sometimes he rushes out of it to chase a squirrel, sometimes he just saunters out of it to go and… do his business. Sometimes Seger spends just a few dozen seconds in the backyard while at other times he’s gone for several minutes.

As a fun project to scratch my hardware-hacking itch, I decided to try and track Seger's visits to the backyard. I bought myself a Tessel, installed it on his doggie door and uploaded some code to it to track the door swings. Then I needed a place to store the door swing data and visualize it. So I taught myself a bit of Elasticsearch and Kibana and boom… within a few weekends of hacking, I was staring at pretty charts showing Seger's visits to the backyard. What a fun little project to get my hands dirty with three new technologies - Tessel, Elasticsearch, and Kibana!

In this talk I’ll walk through my project, Doggielytics, covering the basics of Tessel, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. We’ll learn how to write, upload and run code on the Tessel. We’ll learn how to store the data being produced by the Tessel in Elasticsearch and then learn how to query and visualize it in Kibana. I will show live demonstrations - sorry, no Seger included :( - throughout the presentation and leave you with resources to get started with your own fun hardware-hacking project!

Speaker Bio

Shaunak Kashyap has been working as a backend developer in the Internet software industry for over a decade. Some of his more interesting past gigs include building a poker search and analytics engine; a system for tracking and analyzing the jail population in Louisville, Kentucky; and ground software to command and control earth-imaging satellites.

Today, Shaunak works as a Developer Advocate at Elastic, the makers of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana.