nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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The Year of Leaving Asynchronously #60

Open dglozic opened 9 years ago

dglozic commented 9 years ago

Talk Brief

Last year when I presented at, my IBM team has just started our Node.js and micro-service journey, learning our way through standing up production systems in IaaS. In this talk I will look back at the past year and the evolution of our approach, and how the changes in Node.js community and the approach to software development affected our choices. I will address our evolving ideas about standing up micro services in IaaS vs PaaS, handling distributed OAuth2 authentication using a technique that involves Passport and Redis session store. I will cover our evolving approach to stitching together composite UIs driven by multiple micro-services, and our path from Dust.js to ReactJS and Flux architecture. Finally, I will cover what it felt to ride the Node.js bandwagon while Node.js gained foothold in IBM to the point where IBM became one of the key backers of Node.

Over the last year, we also had three opportunities to try out Node.js micro services in production. I will reflect what we learned from each attempt and how we applied the experience to the next project.

I will keep the talk light on words and focus on code snippets and live demos. I will share the demo code on GitHub, of course.

Speaker Bio

Dejan Glozic is the FullStack Architect for Cloud Data Services Experience, a division of IBM Analytics responsible for bringing IBM and open source data-related products to the cloud as SaaS. He was involved with various cloud-related software projects for the last two years. Before that he was on various IBM projects related to Web technologies, more recently focusing on isomorphic apps, Web Sockets, micro-services, Node.js, Dust.js, ReactJS etc. Dejan has co-authored an IBM RedBook on micro services currently available as a draft (