nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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Devops in the cloud with Ansible #66

Open MaximeThoonsen opened 9 years ago

MaximeThoonsen commented 9 years ago


It is not easy to manage your many servers running your node projets. Ansible is a trendy framework in the Devops world that will help you doing that. Their motto is "DevOps made simple" and we will see that it is indeed simple to automate a lot of thing using Ansible. I will show how I use it on one project. I will also briefly speak about open source tools (only for symfony projects for the moment) we are building so you can quickly start using Ansible for your projects.

Speaker bio

Maxime Thoonsen is a fullstack developer at theodo. He has been working for one and half year on Angular/Node projects. He is also very interested in the Devops world where Ansible is its best ally.

Twitter: @maxthoon