nodeconf / EU-CFP

Call for participation for 2015
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Welcome to Mordor! Hunting Performance Issues and Memory Leaks in Node.js #76

Open danielkhan opened 9 years ago

danielkhan commented 9 years ago

Abstract If there is bad press about our favourite server side platform it is because of performance issues and how hard it is to track them down. Usually these problems are hiding during development but start to kick in under high load. Not good. In my talk we will briefly go through the "hall of fame" of Node.js performance problems and the error patterns behind them. Then we will take a pleasant walk to "Mount Doom" to understand what flame charts and sunbursts can tell us about our Node.js applications and how to create them yourself. By doing so, we will even look at some C++ code and - most important - gain some insights on how Node.js works internally.

Bio Daniel has over 15 years experience as full stack developer, architect and technical lead in the field of web engineering proving his strong problem solving skills in hundreds of projects. He is passionate about constant learning, using new technologies and sharing his findings with others. As technology strategist, Daniel focuses on researching and driving support for emerging technologies like Node.js and MongoDB at Dynatrace - an APM company.