nodeconf / US-CFP

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Isomorphic Javascript #16

Closed Marlena closed 9 years ago

Marlena commented 9 years ago

There could be a few different approaches to talks on this subject.

This article on isomorphic javascript is an interesting read and would make for an interesting talk.

The article mentions that Meteor.js is one of the largest isomorphic projects. It would be interesting to hear someone from the project speak to that.

Isomorphic javascript and React.js -- Has anyone written something that goes further than the tutorial? That would be fun to see.

jedireza commented 9 years ago

I'd like to see more talks on this also. At Yahoo we've been working on isomorphic Flux applications.

Isomorphic applications have special audiences. Developers probably won't need to be in that head space until SEO needs consideration while also being a web app. Airbnb being a great example. A blog probably wouldn't need to be isomorphic. I forget who, but I remember someone saying that making your app isomorphic is an optimization.

Good idea for a talk :+1:

binarymist commented 9 years ago

Yip. Plus 1. Would be good to see and hear.

Qard commented 9 years ago

:+1: I'm working on an isomorphic koa/react/ stack at the moment. Lots of fun. :)

gunnik commented 9 years ago


hattorious commented 9 years ago


mdp commented 9 years ago

We just had @jedireza give a talk on Isomorphic Fluxible apps ( at our SF JS Breakfast meetup, would be a good talk for NodeConf.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

As you may have seen we had to cancel the speaking event at the Fox Theatre.

You're welcome to join us at Walker Creek Ranch for NodeConf Adventure which is an un-conference with attendee driven worksshops and discussion sessions. If you'd like to adapt this topic or any other idea to that format and you're planning on attending just log an issue in the Adventure repo.