nodeconf / US-CFP

Call for participation for NodeConf 2015
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Level Up in Node: Beginner to Advanced, Browser to Server #24

Closed llkats closed 9 years ago

llkats commented 9 years ago

You've been developing in the browser for years (or months. Or weeks!) You know JavaScript. You're excited to jump in writing JavaScript on the server with Node! You do the Nodeschool workshoppers. You read all the blogs. You make a few little web apps with Express or Hapi. So why do you still feel lost when you sit down to work with Node?

What does a developer who knows very little about back-end or systems programming need to know in order to create amazing things with Node? What concepts, responsibilities, and tasks do systems deal with, and how do people use Node to solve back-end problems?

Submitted with encouragement and help from @groundwater. Would love to expand on concrete subjects that would be useful for front-end developers to know.

jedireza commented 9 years ago


RuthieB commented 9 years ago

A+! I hope I get to see this in person!

groundwater commented 9 years ago


amark commented 9 years ago

Yes! I started with HTML/CSS and frontend JS - and that UX side of things is still where my passion is. But a good UX requires connecting to other things and not losing stuff on refresh, thus I had to learn backend. I still struggle with it to this day still, and will probably submit a similar issue.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

As you may have seen we had to cancel the speaking event at the Fox Theatre.

You're welcome to join us at Walker Creek Ranch for NodeConf Adventure which is an un-conference with attendee driven worksshops and discussion sessions. If you'd like to adapt this topic or any other idea to that format and you're planning on attending just log an issue in the Adventure repo.