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Building APIs using Swagger and Node.Js #35

Closed prabhatjha closed 9 years ago

prabhatjha commented 9 years ago

Set of OSS tools that you need to design and build Enterprise-class APIs entirely in Node.js using Swagger specification and deploy them on any Node.js runtime system.

Relevant projects:

Swagger 2.0 Spec: Online Editor: Routing and Validation: CLI, Project scaffolding, OAuth etc:

gunnik commented 9 years ago

:+1: How about covering tools other than just the Swagger suite though?

DJCordhose commented 9 years ago


helvitismaddi commented 9 years ago

+1 for sure!

chebrolus commented 9 years ago


btallman commented 9 years ago


ypomortsev commented 9 years ago


dibyom commented 9 years ago


anubis05 commented 9 years ago

anil614sagar commented 9 years ago


harishdeshmukh commented 9 years ago


jewest27 commented 9 years ago


sananthula commented 9 years ago


mikedunker-apigee commented 9 years ago


pvenkatakrishnan commented 9 years ago

also @tlivings has been doing similar work here

tlivings commented 9 years ago

Have a presentation along these lines of "scaling enterprise API development with swagger and node.js" but haven't committed to the conference so likely not in time.

Great topic though, and a lot to discuss - including other specifications like raml.

mikeal commented 9 years ago

As you may have seen we had to cancel the speaking event at the Fox Theatre.

You're welcome to join us at Walker Creek Ranch for NodeConf Adventure which is an un-conference with attendee driven worksshops and discussion sessions. If you'd like to adapt this topic or any other idea to that format and you're planning on attending just log an issue in the Adventure repo.