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Kill all Humans, Development Tool Automation Like a Pro #11

Open janl opened 8 years ago

janl commented 8 years ago

Kill all Humans, Development Tool Automation Like a Pro

Bender: Kill All Humans


“Versionsnummernerhöhungsangst” is the German word for the fear of increasing the major version number of a module, and just look at this word – it must be real! Let’s explore the reasons for this fear and how we, collectively, can overcome it.

People think Semantic Versioning is an ambiguous concept, but we can learn how to work with it correctly, how to interpret the author’s intent (or express our own), and how to back up the whole process with automation, security layers and verification mechanisms.

Let me introduce you to an automated, tool-backed process that unfolds the full potential of a small modules world, while leaving humans to what they’re needed for: creation, communication and decision making.

Learning objectives

Automating development workflows to free developers minds from tedious tasks, so they can focus on what they are good at: code.

This is applicable for anyone from beginners who want to have more fun coding to enterprise developers who want to save time in their busy schedules.

City of residence

Berlin, Germany

janl commented 8 years ago
