A talk about how we can construct a world wide network of small services connected through the internet. Using node modules and techniques like udp hole punching, we can create small node programs, that can be discovered through a world wide dht using a simple name. I'll show how it easy it is to create an architecture like this and demo interesting applications we can build on top.
Learning objectives
udp + utp + p2p connectivity
discovery techniques (resolving a service name to a host+port somewhere)
peer-to-peer service architecture
A talk about how we can construct a world wide network of small services connected through the internet. Using node modules and techniques like udp hole punching, we can create small node programs, that can be discovered through a world wide dht using a simple name. I'll show how it easy it is to create an architecture like this and demo interesting applications we can build on top.
Learning objectives
City of residence