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A checklist for your Node project #64

Closed bahmutov closed 7 years ago

bahmutov commented 7 years ago


A checklist for your Node project


Checklists have been know to reduce errors during air flights and surgeries. Why don't we use one for our JavaScript projects?

I want my NPM module to be useful, robust, and well-documented. I want it to stand out from the 100s of the modules that do a similar thing. Here is my recipe for a module that everyone can rely on: a simple checklist. Rather than forcing everyone to do the same, the checklist only reminds me to do unit testing, publish smaller module, have good API examples, and lots of other useful things.

Learning objectives


gergelyke commented 7 years ago

Hello Gleb,

We really, really thank you for your participation in the Call for Proposal for NodeConf Budapest 2017!

We're sorry to tell you, that although your topic was really great, it didn't get accepted to our event this year. It wasn't an easy decision, and it took a while for us, but with all the factors that influenced us during the selection process, it had to be made.

To compensate this sad news a bit, we would like to invite you to come as an attendee! As an appreciation for the effort you already made to make this event great, we'd like to give you a ticket with a 20% discount:

We hope you can make it!