nodeconf / london

Nodeconf London is a one day single track speaker series.
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Browserify All The Things #2

Closed bevacqua closed 8 years ago

bevacqua commented 10 years ago

This talk covers how to use browserify to develop front-end modular code using Common.JS, and how you can write tests for browserified code using tape. I'll also talk about Testling, explaining how to run these tests in the cloud or locally. I'll also explain how to create packages that work well in both Node and the client, demonstrating with a few different packages that I've written lately such as taunus, ponymark, and contra.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

Browserify is awesome :)

I'd like to know what the story is going to be? Are you going to walk through building something?

It's important to have semi-narrative structure in order to keep the talk within 20 minutes because it helps you cut things that don't fall into the narrative :)

bevacqua commented 10 years ago

Yeah, so, specifically I wanted to describe how Browserify enables you to:

Walking through how I built one of those projects and using that to explain those points could definitely be a way to do it.

mikeal commented 10 years ago

I'd like to accept this talk but before I do I'd like to mention that we don't have the budget to fly anyone in from outside of Europe.

bevacqua commented 10 years ago

Ah, I kind of expected that -- it being a single day conf and all. Anyways, thought I'd give it one shot!

Loved JSFest in SF, you're good at organizing stuff. Keep it up

orliesaurus commented 10 years ago

@bevacqua happy to present for you and have a tshirt with your face on stage

mikeal commented 10 years ago

@bevacqua ya, if you know of anyone locally that could handle this talk i'd be happy to have them do it :)