nodeconf / london

Nodeconf London is a one day single track speaker series.
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Writing Cloud Foundry services using Node. CFVendo: A Docker container vending machine #25

Closed bkmartin closed 8 years ago

bkmartin commented 10 years ago


Node.JS is a great platform for writing RESTful services such as Cloud Foundry service brokers. This talk will cover a sample NodeJS Cloud Foundry service broker written at the DockerCon hackathon. It demonstrates implementation of the key Cloud Foundry endpoints for services and implements OAuth2 for SSO. Learn how a long time Java coder has adopted Javascript to create new services for Cloud Foundry and IBM Bluemix.


Brian Martin, IBM Distinguished Engineer, is Chief Architect of BlueMix Services. Prior to this role, Brian was Chief Architect of WebSphere eXtreme Scale and held other roles inside the WebSphere organization including lead architect of WebSphere Virtual Enterprise and architect for WebSphere caching and runtime services. Brian holds many patents in the area of distributed caching, workload optimization, classloaders, and middleware runtimes.