nodegui / react-nodegui-starter

Starter repository for react based native desktop apps using react-nodegui
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NodeJS require #133

Open dawidpstrak opened 4 years ago

dawidpstrak commented 4 years ago

HI. Is it possible to import library by const library = require('library') ?

Solant commented 4 years ago

Sure, just like in any other nodejs or webpack app

dawidpstrak commented 4 years ago

But i got this error when i try

Solant commented 4 years ago

you should run 2 npm scripts at the same time: npm run start starts actual qode instance, while npm run dev starts webpack bundle for your js code

so you need to run both start and dev

UPD: both scripts should be running, if you need to restart app, you can just restart only npm run start task

dawidpstrak commented 4 years ago

Yes i have started both. Dev server is working but shown error : and when i try npm run start it cant start

It only happens when i ve my import lines in code

const memoryjs = require('memoryjs')
const processes = memoryjs.get.processes()

When i remove these lines app render without problems. It's not memoryjs issue because i dont have problem to require it in normal js file and run it with node filename.js

Solant commented 4 years ago

oh, I see now memoryjs has some native code that is prebuilt for specific nodejs version some additional steps may be required in this case,

or you can try different lib without prebuilt native binaries

dawidpstrak commented 4 years ago

Ok cant setup it. Anyway thanks help.