nodegui / vue-nodegui-starter

starter skeleton repository for vue-nodegui projects
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Missed "build" script in package.json? #3

Open lackneets opened 3 years ago

lackneets commented 3 years ago

I cannot run npm run build, instead I did run these commands directly:

npm run dev then npx nodegui-packer --pack ./dist

Finally I got this message:

Build successful. Find the app at .../vue-nodegui-starter/deploy/darwin/build

But I cannot open deploy/darwin/build/MyApp

Did I missed something?

Shotman commented 3 years ago

Same here on windows, I have a build successful message but when I start the .exe file nothing happens, but when I run the npm run dev command without touching at any code from the cloned repo, the exe starts and shows in the task manager. But when it's the compiled exe un the build directory doesn't work at all

EDIT : I copied the npm run build command from the hello world example for classic nodegui webpack -p and ran it instead of npm run dev

JunyaoC commented 3 years ago

Hey! @Shotman I too added the npm run build, "webpack -p" to the package.json. However the qode.exe just doesn't seems working. I clicked qode.exe, but nothing happens....any idea?

MikeTheSnowman commented 3 years ago

+1. I'm also encountering this issue. Did anyone figure out a solution?

eLoyyyyy commented 3 years ago

I have a pull request #6 where I made the build script and dev script while scouring multiple NodeGUI projects. Hopefully you can try it.

shubhamzanwar commented 3 years ago

Thanks @eLoyyyyy. I'll take a look at it this weekend!