nodejitsu / kohai

I am kohai. I am a pluggable irc bot for managing real-time data events.
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Kohai twitter auto-follow functionality #18

Closed AvianFlu closed 13 years ago

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

Kohai should auto-follow everyone who tweets about related topics.

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

While the Twitter API supports this, the current version of node-twitter does not appear to. May need to hold off on this.

Marak commented 13 years ago

You could always patch node-twitter then submit a pull request. While waiting for the author to pull / merge you can add your own fork as a vendor dep.

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

It's true - the twitter API isn't exactly rocket science. I'll look into it.

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

Upon further investigation, node-twitter definitely supports this. This shouldn't be any trouble.

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

It turns out that having kohai follow people leads to a ton of excess tweets. Closing issue.

Marak commented 13 years ago

That is unrelated to functionality.

Why can we just have Kohai not automatically broadcast the tweets of people he is following?

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

The issue with tweeting follower messages has been solved, but it depends on a patch to @jdub 's node-twitter ( ) to support the relevant method in the Twitter Stream API. The auto-follow functionality itself should be trivial to add.

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

Can be configured with !config set plugins:irc:twitter:autofollow "true"|"false"