nodejitsu / kohai

I am kohai. I am a pluggable irc bot for managing real-time data events.
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commands for displaying common info #61

Closed heapwolf closed 12 years ago

heapwolf commented 13 years ago

kohai should report open bugs and places to go for help when particular keywords are mentioned.

AvianFlu commented 13 years ago

This is a good idea. There are a few ways we could do it, though.

The easy way would be to keep a continuously-updated key-value list where keywords have responses as values. This would be updated to reflect whatever issues are common at the moment. Development time would be negligible, but maintaining the data would be more of a pain over time.

The not-so-easy way:

There would be more development time for the latter, but less pain over time. I'll start to experiment with the matching side of this, and I'll see what I can put together.

heapwolf commented 13 years ago

we could start with something less intelegent...

  kohai:[HELP] !bug <bug id> : Look up a bug on
  kohai:[HELP] bz://<bug id> : Look up a bug on
  kohai:[HELP] !bugsearch <terms> : Do a search for bugs on
  kohai:[HELP] !wiki <terms> : Finds wiki pages that have terms in the title
  kohai:[HELP] !pull <repository> <terms?> : Find pull-requests on a nodejitsu repository
  kohai:[HELP] !kb <terms> : Search the Knowledge Base on
  kohai:[HELP] !vimeo <terms> : Search nodejitsu's videos (also !video and !webinar)
AvianFlu commented 12 years ago

Many of these have been implemented, and new ones can be added on the fly.