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【徵才】Full Stack Software Developer/ DevOps 總部與研發中心位於台北的新創社會企業 #74

Closed migotalent closed 6 years ago

migotalent commented 7 years ago


Migo ( is a consumer focused innovation company addressing the digital divide in emerging markets, with over 200 Imagineers in Taipei and Manila. Headquartered in Taipei with primary operations in the Philippines, Migo is a one-of-a-kind service that harnesses technical innovation to deliver accessible and affordable entertainment and education to billions of consumers who live on $5-$10 a day, in markets such as the Philippines, Indonesia and Africa. Migo's technology, a combination of hardware and software developed in-house, is designed specifically for the unique infrastructure and economic challenges that exist in our markets. We have designed, built, and tested which is uniquely capable of serving the most price- sensitive consumer by cutting the costs of delivering data by 100 times.

Migo is led by Barrett Comiskey, inducted into the U.S. National Inventors Hall of Fame as one of the fathers of E Ink (the technology behind the Amazon Kindle), which he developed as an undergraduate at MIT. He holds an M.B.A. from Stanford University. Barrett is a proven entrepreneur with a track record of success. He has been living in Asia for the last 15 years, and Migo is the culmination of decades of thought and experience.

We are a young, ambitious, and innovative company pursuing a transformative mission. We are currently expanding operations in the Philippines and preparing to scale in the region.

Migo 熱鬧點科技是一間外資新創社會企業,全球研發暨營運總部位於台北,以獨特的商業模式創造了一個專為新興市場的消費者客製化的服務及內容平台,並計畫從東南亞地區出發,逐漸拓展到全球的新興市場。

Migo致力於解决開發中國家(如菲律賓,印尼,印度等) 三十億消費者對於娛樂及教育資訊不易取得的窘境。相較身處台灣,取得光纖與第四台有線電視的服務就像打開水龍頭一般自然,這些市場往往基礎建設落後,網路普及率低,購買力也較不足, 多數民眾難以獲取在先進國家的豐富數位資訊與內容。目前Migo已深入菲律賓市場,以獨創的技術與硬體設備,讓消費者以親近的價格於我們佈設的熱點下載影音內容,並能夠於行動裝置上離線觀看,不再受到網路的限制。

公司的創辦人兼執行長,Barrett Comiskey 畢業於美國麻省理工學院(MIT),擁有史丹福(Stanford)商學院的企管碩士(MBA)。今年Comiskey因發明電子墨水(E-Ink) :驅動亞馬遜的Kindle和市面上其他品牌電子書的核心科技入選美國專利商標局國家發明家名人堂。過去的得主包括2012年入選的賈伯斯以及2015年入選的諾貝爾獎得主中村修二。 Comiskey是至今還在世的百位發明家中最年輕的一位。他定居於亞洲有近十五年的時間,是一位成功且經驗豐富的創業家。




Location: Taipei, Taiwan (business trips to Manila, Philippines required)

Migo is a global team of Imagineers – and the team is growing.

As Imagineers, we are deeply committed to and bound together by our mission: bringing entertainment and education to everyone through innovation. In this endeavor, we pursue the constant improvement of ourselves, our teammates, our organization, and the lives of the people we serve. We are seeking new Imagineers who yearn for the opportunity to work with a purpose, devoting their days to creating & delivering solutions to the world's most pressing problems. We value potential over experience, character over résumé, and curiosity over knowledge.

In a typical week at Migo, an Imagineer stretches and builds many different muscles: working closely with other Imagineers across the company through cross-functional teams, developing new abilities, and having targeted discussions with peers and leaders to deliver ever greater results. Every week, Imagineers strive to produce world-class output while learning, following their strongest passions, and discovering new ones. Migo is where they pursue their life's work.

Imagineering at Migo is the opportunity to pursue meaningful work, to be at the top of your game, and to build a company which will transform the lives of the next generation of emerging market consumers.


Migo認為應該賦予人才等同的機會發掘自我和其可能性,而不是被過去的學歷和背景限制。在Migo,所有成員共用 Imagineer這個職稱,為了打破傳統組織架構及職務分配模式,每位Imagineer都需要縱觀全局,清楚了解他們在公司不同階段所扮演的角色,體認大家是一個團隊,共同朝著一致的目標前進。 Imagineer的每一項工作內容與日常決定都能直接影響公司長期的發展。

Imagineer的工作內容以問題作為導向,公司鼓勵思考 “how could we?”,利用跳脫框架的思維模式大膽假設,勇於嘗試 ,透過實作的過程中學習。Migo塑造了一個鼓勵不斷學習的環境,也提供一個無邊際的空間讓Imagineer發揮與成長,而成長並不會被職務分配及工作資歷所限制。成長的機會是以每個人的成長曲線所決定,當Imagineer無法從工作中繼續學習,導師會協助找尋更有挑戰性的工作,其方法有擴大工作範圍或將一個不熟悉領域的問題交給Imagineer解決。


【Job summary】 Are you looking for working across the product development process, helping users define the problems? Do you have a desire to build user-centric product and solutions that transform emerging markets? Migo designs and builds technology to close the digital divide for the mass market in emerging markets. Our technology involves a combination of hardware, networking, wireless, and software technology distributed through local neighborhood retail hotspots, private and public infrastructures, then to consumers’ mobile devices.

In Migo DevOps team, you will have the opportunity to build scalable consumer-facing and enterprise solutions to make sure the efficiency and reliability as we grow. If you are excited to work in a high-tempo, agile development environment; Excited to evolve into an interdisciplinary thinker. We are looking for you! 你渴望第一線了解使用者需求、主動發掘並界定問題嗎?你喜歡用雙手打造從0到1的設計過程,解決沒有人嘗試過的問題?如果你渴望打造對於使用者有意義的服務及產品,或許你就是我們在找的人!Migo企圖解決數位落差的挑戰,自行研發軟體技術、硬體設備、傳輸系統,讓開發中國家消費者能以親近的價格於我們佈設的熱點下載影音內容,並能夠於行動裝置上離線觀看,不再受到網路的限制。

Migo DevOps team將負責打造企業級的軟體架構和營運系統,以支援大規模的市場需求。DevOps team 透過敏捷式開發各種跨部門專案,如果你喜歡步調快、變化多端的工作環境,不僅握有一身專業更期待自己成為跨領域人才,有滿滿的學習能量,歡迎加入我們!

【Responsibility】 • Design, and build scalable consumer-facing and enterprise solutions • Software deployment and maintenance of production server clusters • Run daily agile development cycles, collaborating with cross-functional teams • Continuously find best practices and tools to maximize development efficiency • 建置兼具可規模化並穩定性的高流量內容網絡傳輸平台系統以及相關應用程式 • 規劃、設計、建置企業級軟體架構、營運系統以及相關應用程式 • 敏捷式開發工作型態,跨團隊溝通合作.即時回饋、每日修正 • 持續進化開發流程與工具,優化營運效能


【Key qualifications】 • BS degree in Computer Science, or equivalent practical experience. • At least 3-year experience in establishing full-stack application or service-level architecture • Able to write scalable, efficient, high quality code • Proficient in object-oriented programming; Comfortable with learning new languages and framework. Familiar with at least one following languages is a plus: [Java, Python, C/C++, etc.] • Experienced with (or have the desire to learn) an agile approach to software architecture design and development • 電腦科學、資訊工程相關科系畢業或同等經驗 • 建置使用者平台或營運系統3年左右的相關經驗 • 具備物件導向思維(object thinking)解決問題的能力,我們深知會OOP語言不等於懂得運用物件導向解決問題,因此熟悉任一 OOP程式語言是加分但並非必要條件[C/C++, Java, Python, etc.],此外,願意不斷學習新語言以及系統架構才是關鍵。 • 擁有軟體架構設計師策略腦袋、DevOps靈活實踐技術



580K-1.3M/year (fixed 13 month salary)


Responsibility/Trust based. Unlimited leaves.


• Health/Labor Insurance • Company Issued Laptop & Mobile Phone • Flexible Vacation Leaves • Free Snacks and Drinks (Free beer every Friday!) • Company parties to celebrate special events or holidays (Halloween, Christmas, End of Year etc.)

【Our Number One Benefit】 The number one benefit at Migo is the responsibility, trust and limitless opportunity for growth we give each Imagineer. Leaders focus on insight and results, not process or policies.

Imagineers at Migo are working on a first-in-the-world service and technology, a vision, that is big enough to change the lives of billions of underserved people in the world. Migo is committed to helping Imagineers reach their unlimited potential. Curiosity and Learning is at the core of our values.

We have a structured Imagineer training which will teach Imagineers the Migo way of thinking and doing. We only hire people that are intrinsically motivated to learn and grow. We are committed to providing the resources our Imagineers need to be the best, not just in Taiwan, but globally.


Apply through our company website by clicking the "Join Us" button at the top right corner.

If you have any questions please email

yuanyu90221 commented 7 years ago

Why Job Description only is written only in English ? Shouldn't bilingual as well?