nodejs / CTC

Node.js Core Technical Committee & Collaborators
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Node.js Foundation Core Technical Committee (CTC) Meeting 2016-12-14 #46

Closed Trott closed 7 years ago

Trott commented 7 years ago


UTC Wed 14-Dec-2016 20:00:

Timezone Date/Time
US / Pacific Wed 14-Dec-2016 12:00
US / Mountain Wed 14-Dec-2016 13:00
US / Central Wed 14-Dec-2016 14:00
US / Eastern Wed 14-Dec-2016 15:00
Amsterdam Wed 14-Dec-2016 21:00
Moscow Wed 14-Dec-2016 23:00
Chennai Thu 15-Dec-2016 01:30
Tokyo Thu 15-Dec-2016 05:00
Sydney Thu 15-Dec-2016 07:00

Or in your local time:



Extracted from ctc-agenda labelled issues and pull requests from the nodejs org prior to the meeting.





The agenda comes from issues labelled with ctc-agenda across all of the repositories in the nodejs org. Please label any additional issues that should be on the agenda before the meeting starts.

Joining the meeting

Uberconference; participants should have the link & numbers, contact me if you don't.

Public participation

We stream our conference call straight to YouTube so anyone can listen to it live, it should start playing at when we turn it on. There's usually a short cat-herding time at the start of the meeting and then occasionally we have some quick private business to attend to before we can start recording & streaming. So be patient and it should show up.

Many of us will be on IRC in #node-dev on Freenode if you'd like to interact, we have a Q/A session scheduled at the end of the meeting if you'd like us to discuss anything in particular. @nodejs/collaborators in particular if there's anything you need from the CTC that's not worth putting on as a separate agenda item, this is a good place for it.

Trott commented 7 years ago

@jasnell It's not clear to me that [WIP] Restore copyright attribution #10155 should be on the CTC agenda. This seems to be something that can/should be resolved somewhere between the Foundation's legal team, the Foundation Board of Directors, and the TSC. Am I wrong? If so, can you clarify what the CTC needs to decide on this so that everyone can come to the meeting prepared? (Is it just to amplify the signal on the "please help me find files that don't need this change" request?)

Trott commented 7 years ago

@Fishrock123 Can deps: upgrade npm to 4.0.2 #9848 be removed from the agenda as it was discussed last week? (I missed the discussion.) Or does it need to stay on this week? If it should stay on, can you give a one- or two-sentence summary of what needs to be decided?

Trott commented 7 years ago

@jasnell Similar to the other issue on this, can you expand on what needs to be decided by the CTC about Updating the Copyright #174? Can this be removed from the CTC agenda? (It's labeled for the TSC agenda as well, which means a lot of people are going to be talking about it twice...)

Trott commented 7 years ago

@mhdawson Initial version of eps for ABI-Stable-Module-API #20 can be removed from the agenda as there was resolution last week? Or does it need to be discussed some more?

Trott commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure it needs to be on the agenda, but we do need to decide when and how to deprecate the current CLI debugger. @ofrobots @joshgav @jkrems @jasnell

Trott commented 7 years ago

The other issue that may not need to be on the agenda necessarily but that we certainly don't want to lose track of is: What is the Buffer deprecation situation going to look like in version 8? @ChALkeR @addaleax

jkrems commented 7 years ago

Do we deprecate it in documentation now?

I don't think there's anything to gain from waiting on this (at least creating the PR). It would be unfortunate to land a runtime deprecation without having a replacement ready but given the looming doom of node 8, I'd say rather sooner than later.

mhdawson commented 7 years ago

This can be dropped from the agenda "Initial version of eps for ABI-Stable-Module-API #20". We talked about it last time and I've removed the tag from it.

cjihrig commented 7 years ago

I'm not going to be able to attend this week.

thefourtheye commented 7 years ago

Chennai is still recovering from the Cyclone Vardha. No power and mobile networks are hardly functioning. So I might not attend this week. Sorry!

bnoordhuis commented 7 years ago

Hope everything gets back to normal soon, @thefourtheye. Take care.

ChALkeR commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I won't be able to attend today.

If it comes to a voting today, I abstain on [WIP] Restore copyright attribution #10155 and Updating the Copyright #174.

Fishrock123 commented 7 years ago
