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V8 plan for Node.js LTS Carbon (A potential path to TurboFan + Ignition) #99

Closed MylesBorins closed 7 years ago

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

EDIT: CTC voting tally for this issue


V8 5.9 will be the first version with TurboFan + Ignition (TF+I) turned on by default. As parts of the Node.js codebase have been tuned to CrankShaft, there will be a non trivial amount of churn to adapt to the new pipeline. This also creates a security risk as CrankShaft and FullCodeGen are no longer maintained by the V8 team or tested by the Chrome security team.

If TF + I lands in Node.js 9.x backporting any changes to Node.js 8.x is going to prove extremely difficult and time consuming.

Below are three proposals of how we can approach this problem. To anyone in @nodejs/collaborators, and the community at large, we would love to hear your opinions on this. Further we really want to get some real world benchmarks, so if you have a way of testing builds to get non micro benchmarks please chime in and I'll get you binaries to work with.

Three Proposals:

1) Target 5.7 or 5.8 in 8.x release with standard APi / ABI:

What needs to be done?


Test build of 8.x including V8 5.9 (TF + I turned on)

Install with nvm

$ NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=  nvm install v8.0.0-test201704119b43f9c487

EDIT: CTC voting tally for this issue

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

Some refs:

chicoxyzzy commented 7 years ago

Is this version of Node built from sources of vee-eight-last-lkgr branch from v8/node repo?

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

Can ~Node.js~ a test suite be considered as a real life code?

evanlucas commented 7 years ago

@vsemozhetbyt that wasn't the core test suite. That was a test suite for one of my services at :]

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

@chicoxyzzy the build above is indeed vee-eight-last-lkgr with a single commit to stub out some docs stuff breaking our build infra

Qard commented 7 years ago

Personally I'd lean toward being prepared for 6.0, but I know a lot of companies that can be very strict about predictable performance. I imagine there'd be a few companies that'd avoid the 8.x line until after TF+I lands so they can do a proper performance audit and have a more clear idea what they can expect.

aheckmann commented 7 years ago

I'm +1 on option 3.

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

An example of a real life case. Run ESLint (v4.0.0-alpha.0) check on Node.js code base.

Test script:

'use strict';

const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;

const command =
  'eslint' +
  ' --rule "indent: 0, no-multi-spaces: 0, space-before-function-paren: 0"' +
  ' --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules/' +
  ' benchmark lib test';

try { execSync(command, { encoding: 'utf8' }); }
catch (err) { console.error(err.stdout); }

try { execSync(command, { encoding: 'utf8' }); }
catch (err) { console.error(err.stdout); }

try { execSync(command, { encoding: 'utf8' }); }
catch (err) { console.error(err.stdout); }


// Node.js 8.0.0-nightly20170411b8f416023d (v8 5.7.492.69)
eslint1: 25632.138ms
eslint2: 24990.877ms
eslint3: 24390.442ms

// Node.js 8.0.0-test201704119b43f9c487 (v8 5.9.0 candidate)
eslint1: 25644.981ms
eslint2: 25228.094ms
eslint3: 24891.385ms
AdriVanHoudt commented 7 years ago

Would running CITGM with the new v8 produce any meaningful results?

joyeecheung commented 7 years ago

Another real world benchmark suite: (benchmark of an enterprise Web framework egg.js), this includes real-world stuff like security & authentication and needs minimal external dependencies to run (no DB, wrk is required though, simply npm install && npm test and it will start running) . It also uses generators & async/await heavily so the new pipeline would make a huge difference.

targos commented 7 years ago

CITGM run (V8 5.9.213):

joyeecheung commented 7 years ago

Results from egg's benchmark, the test build defintely outperforms the nightly

8.0.0-nightly20170411b8f416023d (v8 5.7.492.69)
------- koa hello -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     5.61ms    8.84ms 236.41ms   98.30%
    Req/Sec     1.24k   229.45     1.62k    71.39%
  98433 requests in 10.01s, 14.83MB read
Requests/sec:   9832.27
Transfer/sec:      1.48MB

------- toa hello -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     5.63ms    5.20ms  92.20ms   89.29%
    Req/Sec     1.30k   161.83     1.66k    76.75%
  103731 requests in 10.02s, 17.51MB read
Requests/sec:  10348.31
Transfer/sec:      1.75MB

------- egg hello -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.02ms   10.37ms 252.42ms   98.64%
    Req/Sec   736.79     89.38     0.89k    81.64%
  58394 requests in 10.01s, 19.60MB read
Requests/sec:   5832.80
Transfer/sec:      1.96MB

------- egg hello (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     8.48ms    3.87ms 135.44ms   96.26%
    Req/Sec   725.35     57.84     1.10k    86.61%
  57742 requests in 10.02s, 19.38MB read
Requests/sec:   5762.01
Transfer/sec:      1.93MB

------- koa view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     8.67ms   10.26ms 243.42ms   96.96%
    Req/Sec   782.52    126.78     1.00k    81.28%
  62071 requests in 10.02s, 155.15MB read
Requests/sec:   6192.35
Transfer/sec:     15.48MB

------- toa view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.41ms    7.93ms 165.57ms   88.63%
    Req/Sec   725.59     91.40     0.92k    72.81%
  57704 requests in 10.03s, 145.28MB read
Requests/sec:   5751.99
Transfer/sec:     14.48MB

------- egg nunjucks view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    20.29ms   29.04ms 443.84ms   96.13%
    Req/Sec   379.83     71.00   575.00     86.62%
  29916 requests in 10.09s, 80.57MB read
Requests/sec:   2965.36
Transfer/sec:      7.99MB

------- egg ejs view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    13.74ms    8.63ms 242.56ms   87.65%
    Req/Sec   453.48     55.75   790.00     79.60%
  36095 requests in 10.02s, 97.93MB read
Requests/sec:   3602.51
Transfer/sec:      9.77MB

------- egg nunjucks view (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    16.44ms   10.45ms 243.80ms   86.53%
    Req/Sec   380.81     50.96   770.00     84.84%
  30279 requests in 10.02s, 81.72MB read
Requests/sec:   3021.16
Transfer/sec:      8.15MB

------- egg ejs view (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    13.69ms    8.50ms 197.92ms   87.97%
    Req/Sec   456.37     58.07     0.87k    77.82%
  36312 requests in 10.02s, 98.73MB read
Requests/sec:   3625.08
Transfer/sec:      9.86MB

------- egg passport -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.94ms   12.80ms 290.00ms   98.30%
    Req/Sec   685.20    110.37     1.32k    81.38%
  54283 requests in 10.03s, 18.12MB read
Requests/sec:   5414.16
Transfer/sec:      1.81MB

------- egg passport (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     8.03ms    2.86ms 108.64ms   94.12%
    Req/Sec   759.24    168.18     5.27k    99.13%
  60554 requests in 10.10s, 20.44MB read
Requests/sec:   5996.82
Transfer/sec:      2.02MB
8.0.0-test201704119b43f9c487 (v8 5.9.0 candidate)
------- koa hello -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     5.17ms    4.23ms 139.91ms   95.02%
    Req/Sec     1.25k   253.08     1.83k    81.48%
  99458 requests in 10.02s, 14.99MB read
Requests/sec:   9923.77
Transfer/sec:      1.50MB

------- toa hello -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     5.89ms    6.32ms 112.00ms   88.49%
    Req/Sec     1.34k   248.16     1.93k    70.00%
  106674 requests in 10.02s, 18.01MB read
Requests/sec:  10640.94
Transfer/sec:      1.80MB

------- egg hello -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     7.74ms    4.76ms 160.21ms   94.06%
    Req/Sec   808.03    130.07     1.66k    83.85%
  64295 requests in 10.03s, 21.58MB read
Requests/sec:   6409.31
Transfer/sec:      2.15MB

------- egg hello (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     7.37ms    4.70ms 159.82ms   95.19%
    Req/Sec   844.56     66.80     1.44k    92.24%
  67233 requests in 10.02s, 22.57MB read
Requests/sec:   6710.81
Transfer/sec:      2.25MBiew example

------- koa view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.18ms    7.66ms 182.34ms   88.82%
    Req/Sec   727.27    153.48     1.14k    67.67%
  57838 requests in 10.02s, 144.57MB read
Requests/sec:   5772.13
Transfer/sec:     14.43MB

------- toa view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.64ms    9.29ms 171.58ms   87.36%
    Req/Sec   756.45    189.22     1.39k    69.71%
  60239 requests in 10.02s, 151.66MB read
Requests/sec:   6009.90
Transfer/sec:     15.13MB

------- egg nunjucks view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    17.02ms   13.60ms 282.96ms   87.93%
    Req/Sec   381.47     69.48   553.00     75.75%
  30276 requests in 10.02s, 81.54MB read
Requests/sec:   3020.98
Transfer/sec:      8.14MB

------- egg ejs view -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    12.61ms    7.43ms 187.54ms   86.77%
    Req/Sec   496.42     61.09     1.04k    80.08%
  39494 requests in 10.02s, 107.16MB read
Requests/sec:   3941.07
Transfer/sec:     10.69MB

------- egg nunjucks view (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    16.16ms   10.62ms 240.12ms   85.22%
    Req/Sec   393.36     60.61     1.09k    83.98%
  31315 requests in 10.02s, 84.52MB read
Requests/sec:   3124.77
Transfer/sec:      8.43MB

------- egg ejs view (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    12.56ms    7.65ms 187.92ms   86.36%
    Req/Sec   499.39    102.21     2.78k    92.37%
  39756 requests in 10.09s, 108.09MB read
Requests/sec:   3939.64
Transfer/sec:     10.71MB

------- egg passport -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     9.09ms    7.55ms 204.95ms   94.42%
    Req/Sec   710.58    190.52     0.99k    69.55%
  56504 requests in 10.02s, 18.86MB read
Requests/sec:   5639.99
Transfer/sec:      1.88MB

------- egg passport (Async Await) -------

Running 10s test @
  8 threads and 50 connections
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency     6.83ms    3.24ms 127.36ms   95.58%
    Req/Sec     0.90k    75.49     1.38k    91.75%
  71777 requests in 10.02s, 24.23MB read
Requests/sec:   7160.32
Transfer/sec:      2.42MB

(Trying to write a script to output structured data with it..UPDATE: PR opened in

jasnell commented 7 years ago

Sitting here with @mcollina running a number of module benchmarks are we're not yet seeing a significant performance delta between 8-with-5.9 and master or 6.10.x. yet. We will be running a number of additional benchmarks over the coming couple of days to prove that out.

If there is not going to be a significant difference between the two, then I'm seeing less of a need to delay the release for 5.9 but I'm also not seeing a significant technical reason not to. It's a bit up in the air, I think. We'll definitely need to run additional tests but if the performance profile is not significantly different, then it should actually be ok to ship 8.0.0 with 5.7 or 5.8 on time this month (option 1) and move up to 5.9 later in 8.x assuming the ABI compatibility is preserved without any issue.

YurySolovyov commented 7 years ago

It may also be nice to see some typical front-end workflows comparison

  1. clear npm cache and run time npm i
  2. build project (the bigger the better) with webpack with a lot of loaders (babel, typescript, etc.)
  3. run eslint without cache.
hashseed commented 7 years ago

ABI compatibility can be preserved if this patch is applied on top of the upgrade to V8 5.8. I'm still waiting for CITGM to verify that though :)

bmeurer commented 7 years ago

@joyeecheung Awesome, thanks for doing the measurement.

hashseed commented 7 years ago

@fhinkel do you think we should investigate whether it makes sense to turn eslint and eggjs into benchmarks similar to AcmeAir?

fhinkel commented 7 years ago

/cc @ofrobots for benchmark question.

aqrln commented 7 years ago


An example of a real life case. Run ESLint (v4.0.0-alpha.0) check on Node.js code base.

Just to make sure: you've put the tested Node binary to PATH, right? Because if not, you might actually have been testing your system Node both times and it might have only been the launcher script that you've run with Node 8.

FWIW, a similar (but not equivalent) measurement:

➜  node git:(master) ✗ node -e 'console.log(process.versions.v8)'
➜  node git:(master) ✗ node-master -e 'console.log(process.versions.v8)'
➜  node git:(master) ✗ node-canary -e 'console.log(process.versions.v8)'

➜  node git:(master) ✗ time node tools/eslint/bin/eslint.js --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules benchmark lib test
node tools/eslint/bin/eslint.js --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules benchmark lib   19.08s user 0.57s system 114% cpu 17.226 total
➜  node git:(master) ✗ time node-master tools/eslint/bin/eslint.js --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules benchmark lib test
node-master tools/eslint/bin/eslint.js --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules benchmar  12.15s user 0.28s system 107% cpu 11.591 total
➜  node git:(master) ✗ time node-canary tools/eslint/bin/eslint.js --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules benchmark lib test
node-canary tools/eslint/bin/eslint.js --rulesdir tools/eslint-rules benchmar  12.61s user 0.25s system 114% cpu 11.208 total
evanlucas commented 7 years ago

I think am +1 on 3. If delaying the release of Node 8 is not feasible, then at least option 2 for me.

IMO we should be treating Node 8 the same way we treat any other "Current" branch (until it becomes LTS of course). I feel like going with option 1 would make using Node 8 a lot less appealing come October. We have had semver-minor upgrades of V8 in the last two major versions (v7, v6) and I think we should continue to try to track the latest version of V8 possible (wasn't that part of the reason for iojs in the first place?). We would have 5-6 months to get things up to par, but from my current testing (limited of course, but still real applications), real world performance has actually improved quite a lot with V8 5.8 and 5.9.

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

@aqrln I've considered this code in the eslint.cmd:

@IF EXIST "%~dp0\node.exe" (
  "%~dp0\node.exe"  "%~dp0\node_modules\eslint\bin\eslint.js" %*
) ELSE (
  node  "%~dp0\node_modules\eslint\bin\eslint.js" %*

So I just put various Node.js versions in the global module folder. I've checked this approach with process manager to be sure I tested the right version.

targos commented 7 years ago

Here are some numbers for building a react/redux application with webpack (NODE_ENV=production, babel-loader, css-loader, url-loader, babili-webpack-plugin, code splitting, source maps...)

node-current (V8 5.5.372): 57,85s user 0,85s system 102% cpu 57,042 total
node-master (V8 5.7.492): 55,72s user 0,80s system 104% cpu 53,855 total
node-canary (V8 5.9.213): 51,09s user 0,81s system 108% cpu 47,628 total
MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

@jasnell I the need for a delay has nothing to do with perf in 5.9... it was about being able to have api / abi compat up to 6.0... due to churn between 5.9 and 6.0

jasnell commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I know there's more to it than just the performance and I still want to see what the consensus direction is. If we push off a month, then so be it :-) My goal, btw, is to get another test build later on today but it's going to depend on availability and reliability of the wifi connection from my hotel.

mhdawson commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking that people using the LTS releases, generally favor stability over new features/performance improvements. I also see turbofan + ignition being on by default as a relatively larger risk to stability versus other V8 releases that we have pulled in during past releases. For these reasons I'd be leaning towards option 1.

zackschuster commented 7 years ago

I'd like to chime in for a second to share my own small, non-scientific point of view -- apologies if this is out-of-order.

As someone who writes libraries for Node.js, I would like to see the new pipeline regardless of current performance issues. A longstanding pain-point with Node.js has been V8's legacy compiler tree effectively disallowing certain language features in performance-critical areas, which to me has meant extra mental overhead and stress to make sure I'm playing nice with the JIT, even in area that aren't necessarily high stress.

I would much prefer to work in an environment that doesn't cause me to worry (at least reflexively) if I'm using a technique that's going to arbitrarily slow down or otherwise negatively impact my code, where I can use features in the language that fit my mental model for what lexically makes sense in the code block I'm working with.

Thanks for all your effort with the project!

sirgallifrey commented 7 years ago

I'll be doing the benchmark of my real life app tomorrow or the day after. As we work only with docker I forked the docker-node and made dockerfiles for the v8.0.0-test201704119b43f9c487 I hope this help other to make their benchmarks

Dockerfiles repo

Images on dockerhub

benjamingr commented 7 years ago

I would love to see a performance guide for collaborators regarding this migration - I think it will cause a lot of confusion with regards to what's slow and what's fast and we all know how hard measuring the sort of performance changes is very hard.

jkrems commented 7 years ago

👍 for option 2 or 3. It seems to be the ones that enable a better migration to new JavaScript features w/o completely forsaking performance. Being tied to V8 <=5.8 for the next 1.5 years (as an LTS user) doesn't seem great.

pocesar commented 7 years ago

security and maintainability are priorities for me, minor changes in benchmarks aren't my top-of-mind. thinking forward to 6.0 is the way to go, and quick reaction to security issues are a must when using Node as the base for services. so my choice would be 3

sam-github commented 7 years ago

I support Option 1.

Option 2 and 3 both involving swapping out the v8 version on a major release line.

I understood one of the guarantees of a major was supposed to be that it had a stable v8, wasn't it? And because keeping v8 stable holds back new features, we also release new majors twice yearly, so we offer stability and new ES features, people can choose.

We should particularly not swap out v8 on a major just before it gets moved to LTS, how can we recommend LTS be used in production if it has no history of use? There are good reasons we leave a major in active use for several months before it becomes LTS.

In that case, 8.x shouldn't be called LTS, at least not until whatever version of v8 gets swapped into it has a chance to prove itself, which would mean delaying when 8.x goes LTS. Or, we could extend the 6.x lifetime, and make 9.x be the next LTS.

Basically, I think swapping v8s in LTS is a change of such magnitude that it means a rethink of what LTS means, and what our LTS schedule is. I'm not wedded to our LTS schedule, I think it could change, but I don't think going from v8 5.8 to 6.0 is just another minor.

gibfahn commented 7 years ago

I support Option 1.

@sam-github kinda sounds like you support Option 1 or Option 3++ (delay much longer) 😁

bnoordhuis commented 7 years ago

I like the whooshing sound deadlines make when they fly by so I'm perfectly fine with option 3, delaying for a month.

Option 1 sounds unworkable long-term unless we have someone working dedicated on back-porting patches. (We don't.)

That said:

6.0 API / ABI should be relatively stable between May 17 - 25

What are the expected changes between 5.9 and 6.0? We could do a 5.8 -> 5.9 -> 6.0 triple upgrade combo if they are trivial. (I'm dubbing that option 2.5.)

hashseed commented 7 years ago

What are the expected changes between 5.9 and 6.0? We could do a 5.8 -> 5.9 -> 6.0 triple upgrade combo if they are trivial. (I'm dubbing that option 2.5.)

Not all of V8 team is focused on Node.js, and there is a lot of work going on between V8 and Chrome as well, so that we cannot guarantee ABI stability from 5.9 to 6.0. That being said, I don't expect major changes to the API.

Once 6.0 goes into API freeze around second half of May, back porting changes to make 5.8 and 5.9 ABI compatible with 6.0 would be fairly mechanical, as has been done here. However, that only makes sense if the release date of Node 8 can be pushed back to the second half of May so that we can make these back ports to 5.8 first.

benjamingr commented 7 years ago


As someone who writes libraries for Node.js, I would like to see the new pipeline regardless of current performance issues. A longstanding pain-point with Node.js has been V8's legacy compiler tree effectively disallowing certain language features in performance-critical areas, which to me has meant extra mental overhead and stress to make sure I'm playing nice with the JIT, even in area that aren't necessarily high stress.

Note we're only replacing one set of "disallowed" language features we're familiar with with another set we're not yet familiar with. We have no reason to believe TF will optimize everything and from the short time playing with it there definitely are pitfalls to run into.

Trott commented 7 years ago

In that case, 8.x shouldn't be called LTS, at least not until whatever version of v8 gets swapped into it has a chance to prove itself, which would mean delaying when 8.x goes LTS.

@sam-github I may be misunderstanding the comment above, but I don't think it's quite right. 8.x will not be LTS until October. (6.0.0 was not LTS. 6.9.0 was released.) So if we update to V8 60 in late May, that still gives us months of testing before the first LTS version of the 8.x release line.

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

@sam-github it is also worth mentioning there is prior art on this. For 6.x we ran the beta / r.c. with a beta version of V8 5.0, rolling to stable right before the release. We then updated to 5.1 before LTS. I for one am really glad we did so.

The biggest difference here is we would be preemptively setting up forward compatible abi / api compat

YurySolovyov commented 7 years ago

We have no reason to believe TF will optimize everything

I actually thought quite the opposite. The claim was that there even if peak performance might (but don't have to) be lower, better baseline should give developers more confidence when using ES6 features as well as "toxic" ES5 ones like try/catch/finally etc.

and from the short time playing with it there definitely are pitfalls to run into.

Which I guess should be reported

zackschuster commented 7 years ago

@benjamingr Thanks for the reply! True, there are lots of unknowns and potential for broken promises, and I would never suggest my opinion on its own is a rock-solid basis for a decision of this magnitude. This is merely in the interest of providing some (admittedly minute) community feedback 😄

michael-ciniawsky commented 7 years ago

Option 3 seems to be the 'sanest' from a maintenance point of view

sam-github commented 7 years ago

So if we update to V8 60 in late May, that still gives us months of testing before the first LTS version of the 8.x release line.

If we want to sync node releases with v8, then why don't we do that? Release 8.x right after 6.0 is released? Why did we choose twice a year at arbitrary times if V8 alignment is so important?

I'm not going to rail forever against switching v8 in the midst of a major. I'm kindof curious about what kind of commotion an entirely new opt pipeline will cause. Maybe it will be no big deal, and we can be more free with this in the future. Maybe it will be a low point in node.js stability. I've no crystal ball.

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

@sam-github afaik the release schedule we had was designed around what was preferable for enterprises and shops that usually work around LTS releases. @mhdawson can speak to this.

If we want to wait until 6.0 is released we will be delaying until around August 1st... which is not tenable imho.

jasnell commented 7 years ago

The current release schedule was selected after many conversations with stakeholders throughout the ecosystem based on what makes the most sense for adopters. It was understood at the time that the V8 release schedule mismatch would cause some headaches and nothing has changed in that regard. We knew what we were signing up for and we knew that discussions like this would come up. At this point I am +1 on Option 3 but I am calling for an official @nodejs/ctc vote to settle the matter.

@nodejs/ctc members, please weigh in.

Trott commented 7 years ago


I have an opinion, but I defer to those who do releases and/or otherwise will be most impacted by the decision here.

I'll also note that if we don't have an option that gets a majority of non-abstaining CTC members to endorse it, we'll need a run-off vote to achieve that. Our governance rules require a majority of non-abstaining CTC members to get a decision (in voting situations).

Trott commented 7 years ago

Tallying CTC votes.

Option Votes Who
Option 1 1 @mhdawson
Option 2 1 @Fishrock123
Option 3 12 @jasnell @addaleax @evanlucas @bnoordhuis @MylesBorins @ChALkeR @fhinkel @cjihrig @indutny @misterdjules @ofrobots @shigeki
Abstain 2 @Trott @thefourtheye
No Vote Registered Yet 4 @mscdex @rvagg @targos @trevnorris
Votes Require To Be Accepted 10 n/a
evanlucas commented 7 years ago

I vote for Option 3

MylesBorins commented 7 years ago

I vote for option 3

Please feel free to edit the original comment to tally votes

On Apr 14, 2017 7:03 PM, "Evan Lucas" wrote:

I vote for Option 3

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Trott commented 7 years ago

Please feel free to edit the original comment to tally votes

Added a link at the bottom of the original comment to the comment with the vote tally.

ChALkeR commented 7 years ago

Ok, my votes for each specific proposal would be:

If one option has to be picked, I vote for option 3.

fhinkel commented 7 years ago

My votes:

If one option has to be picked, I vote for option 3.