nodejs / admin

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Move `node` Snap management repo into nodejs org #567

Closed rvagg closed 3 years ago

rvagg commented 3 years ago

I'd like to move primary maintenance of the Node.js Snap package node into this org, and I think I need to open an issue here to formalise it. I've discussed this with @nodejs/build-infra and have got a :thumbsup: from @mhdawson at least (and no disagreement from the others). I haven't yet mentioned this to @nodejs/build so this should serve as that and I would like @nodejs/build to be the "owner" of the new repo.

The primary action I'd like to take is to transfer into this org, with the repo name snap.

This repository is responsible for triggering builds for the Node.js Snap that gets published to the Snap store as node:

Previously all of this was handled privately on a server in my house from a simple cron job. It now runs from that repo using GitHub Actions as cron. The repo is responsible for:

Along with this, I'll be:

What are the next steps to getting the repo transferred these days? I don't have org admin access these days obviously so someone will have to receive it when I transfer it.

mhdawson commented 3 years ago


mhdawson commented 3 years ago

@rvagg the review process is described here:

After 72 hours if there are no objections it can be transferred over and I should be able to help with that.

mhdawson commented 3 years ago

@rvagg can you add a code of conduct file which references

mhdawson commented 3 years ago

You can probably just copy this one:

rvagg commented 3 years ago

@nodejs/tsc I'm now transferring the rvagg/node-snap into this org. Could the person who receives the transfer please rename it to nodejs/snap, give @nodejs/build-infra admin access to it and @nodejs/build write access to it.

rvagg commented 3 years ago

OK, I didn't need it to be accepted, I guess because I'm a member of the org. is there now, I got to select the two teams but I think that only gives write access. Could I please get it renamed to snap and the build-infra team elevated to Admin so they can edit the settings & secrets and such.

targos commented 3 years ago

I renamed it to snap and build-infra is now Admin.

rvagg commented 3 years ago

perfect, thanks @targos. relevant secrets also added @