nodejs / benchmarking

Node.js Benchmarking Working Group
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Candidate benchmarks #6

Open mhdawson opened 9 years ago

mhdawson commented 9 years ago

This issues is to discuss/identify candidate benchmarks. So far what we have on the list is:

We expect that we'll want multiple, with at least one to cover each use case identified in

meaku commented 9 years ago

Concerning benchmarking "real" apps it might be hard to get meaningful results that can be compared. If you're benchmarking an app there are many modules involved and external resources like database.

Think of benchmarking acmeair v0.1.1 using io.js 2.2.1 on day 1. A week later we benchmark acmeair v 0.1.1 using iojs 2.2.2 and the benchmark shows that it's way faster.

But we actually don't know why? Might be an updated module, or a database upgrade or io.js being faster.

I think benchmarking a real application is a good thing, but there should be a clear strategy on how to get reproducible results. Maybe shrinkwrapping modules versions and mocking databases could do the trick.

What do you think?

seabaylea commented 9 years ago

Agreed - for any benchmark it will be important to only change one "component" (be that node.js/io.js or used module) at a time, so we know where the change in performance is coming from. Shrinkwrapping is a good approach to making sure that happens.

mhdawson commented 9 years ago

+1 for seabaylea's comment. For comparison purposes we'll want to limit the changes so that we can isolate what may have affected results

meaku commented 9 years ago

Do you think database latency might be an issue? If we stick to the same machine(s) and database version it might not be a problem.

mhdawson commented 9 years ago

Like other variables we'd need to make sure we keep the database version/systems consistent between runs and when we do change the database not change anything else at the same time

mhdawson commented 8 years ago

Since WebSockets are often used with Node some that we might consider including:

trevnorris commented 8 years ago

Here are a couple gulp scripts that would put decent pressure on a macro-benchmark:

davisjam commented 5 years ago

docs/ is somewhat sparse.

I am interested in helping to populate it.

I'd like use this comment to track recommended benchmarks for the various use cases. If you have a suggestion, please reply on this issue and I'll update this comment. The current use cases below are taken from #243.

Use Cases

Node.js a component in a web stack

Use case Suggested benchmark(s)
Back-end API services - ezPAARSE? See #76 though.
- ?
Service oriented architectures (SOA) ?
Microservice-based applications - Node-DC-EIS in u-service mode, but see #78.
- jasnell and mcollina suggested workloads that are (a) JSON parse/stringify heavy, or (b) use FS and DNS heavily
Generating/serving dynamic web page content - Acme Air
- Node-DC-EIS (monolithic mode)
- Node-DC-SSR (electrode)
- ghost
Single page applications (SPA) etherpad-lite

Node.js outside of the web stack

Use case Suggested benchmark(s)
Scripting and automation - Micro-benchmark for require
- Micro-benchmark for node start/stop time
Agents and Data Collectors Something based on Telegraf?
Developer tooling: web Web Tooling Benchmark
Developer tooling: Node.js Run npm commands like npm install and npm audit. Ideally we configure npm to use a local registry to eliminate network interference.
Desktop applications Electron. Atom.
Systems software Synthetic workload provided by jorangreef
Embedded software ?
mhdawson commented 5 years ago is not completely empty, but it would be happier if there were less blank spaces (which I'm guessing is what you meant).

davisjam commented 5 years ago

Yes, I realize that was not clear. I've edited my post to read "somewhat sparse".

jorangreef commented 5 years ago


@jorangreef I think you might have some comments on the "systems software" use case and perhaps others?

Firstly, thanks @davisjam and everyone here for your efforts expanding the Node.js benchmarking use cases.

Ronomon is an email startup in private beta. It falls into the "systems software" use case. Our new storage stack is being written in Node.js to drive 16x 10TB disks per server.

Things that are important for this use case:

I hope this helps, Node.js has been great so far, making it easy to dip into C when needed, and with Javascript as a fast control plane language. It's fantastic to have a whole benchmarking team, and I'm looking forward to seeing CPU-intensive tasks becoming first-class asynchronous citizens.

davisjam commented 5 years ago

The TechEmpower benchmark source for Node.js is here.