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Starting an Examples Initiative #550

Closed bnb closed 4 years ago

bnb commented 4 years ago

When I started trying to learn Node.js in 0.8.x and 0.10.x, I was most frustrated by there not being any solid examples that were thorough, complete, and easy to find. The docs were way too thick and nowhere near complete enough for me to actually learn from despite folks asserting to just "read the docs" pretty consistently, leading to a pretty poor learning experience.

To this day, I hear similar complaints about our docs as an avenue to learn Node.js, and unfortunately right now I don't think that will be changing significantly within any accelerated timeframe.

As such, I think it would be valuable if we were able to provide an alternative route for learning. Specifically, learning by example is the approach I'd like to see us take. To do this, I'd suggest that we go down the avenue of starting up an Examples Initiative, focusing on building out everything from simple to complex examples for various kinds of applications that a Node.js developer would want to build.

Some examples of possible Examples:

... and more. There are a few things to note here:

My intent in proposing this initiative would be to begin to provide real-world examples for users who come looking to learn Node.js. Ideally, this would help bridge the gap between docs and real users trying to learn.

Ideally, I'd like to have us set up a few things in this process:

Additionally, over the past ~year, we've consistently discussed having more thorough and complex examples for folks to use. Specifically, we've discussed this in the context of the Website Redesign initiative, where we'd discussed expanding the "Guides" area of the site to be open and available to all kinds of content. There may be some overlap/mutually beneficial collaboration to be done here.

Tera99 commented 4 years ago

I would like to help with this, if I can. It sounds really useful to new users, and it would help me build my skills as well.

keywordnew commented 4 years ago

How might a few next steps get this initiative started? @bnb @Tera99

Tera99 commented 4 years ago

Is there a typical process for starting an initiative that others have used? If so, I would follow that. Otherwise, some next steps I would follow in no particular order are:

bnb commented 4 years ago

I would definitely agree on those steps @Tera99! Perhaps the final step there would be a good first one just to ensure we don't waste anyone's time.

I'd be more than happy to immediately contribute a few different examples – CLI, Express, Fastify (good excuse too learn), API access (GitHub API checking the Node.js org, perhaps?) are all possibilities that I could pick up relatively quickly.

So, on that last bullet: cc @amiller-gh, @nodejs/website-redesign :)

Tera99 commented 4 years ago

I am still really a beginner, so it sounds like the best way for me to contribute would be to proof read and try out the examples. I have enough knowledge to usually be able to figure things out from the docs, but I often get stuck so I would be a good guinea pig to try the examples on.

chasingSublimity commented 4 years ago

Howdy all!

I'd be happy to contribute a Serverless example. I've got a fair amount of AWS experience, but am also willing to dabble with other vendors if it would be helpful.

bnb commented 4 years ago

@nodejs/community-committee since there wasn't quorm in the previous meeting, I'm going to ask if we can kick this off in the issue. If there aren't any objections within the next 72 hours I'll go ahead and kick off a repo + some initial work on this <3

bnb commented 4 years ago

also cc @nodejs/website-redesign since this may have some overlap with the work y'all have discussed in the past.

ahmadawais commented 4 years ago

Awesome, I'd be happy to help. Can take up writing a simple Node.js CLI example. I have a fair amount of experience writing CLIs for automation.

Tera99 commented 4 years ago

I could contribute a simple RESTful API with Express and Google Cloud Datastore as the database. It would have 2-3 entities and support all the basic CRUD operations.

Is that along the lines of this initiative and not redundant to what anyone else is doing?

bnb commented 4 years ago

@Tera99 sounds good to me! For context on the redundant part, I've very actively started discussions about having something similar-ish in the Website Redesign initiative in the past. That said, I don't think the two sets of content need to be mutually exclusive.

I think we'll probably want an in-depth README explaining what each example does and the technologies used + how to get them, but otherwise it should be relatively straightforward pending objections :)

bnb commented 4 years ago

Next steps here are:

chasingSublimity commented 4 years ago

I'm still interested in helping however I can. Please don't hesitate to ping me! :)

bnb commented 4 years ago

This repo is now created and is able to be contributed to. @chasingSublimity, @Tera99 if you're still interested in helping out I'd be happy to catch up with y'all and see how we'd like to progress πŸ‘

bnb commented 4 years ago

Link to the repo:

chasingSublimity commented 4 years ago

@bnb killer! definitely still interested in helping. I'll look at the repo sometime today. Game to have a catch-up session also, w/e that looks like.

ahmadawais commented 4 years ago

Aha, looking forward to contributing CLI specific examples :)

bnb commented 4 years ago

One thing I will note: trying to get some more examples in before sharing more broadly so it’s not relatively empty

Tera99 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for including me, sorry I can't contribute right now. I am suddenly a home school teacher. Once public school is back in, I will see if there is something I can help with. Everybody stay healthy!

bnb commented 4 years ago

@Tera99 no worries! You are more than welcome to join in if/when you're able. Hope things are going well and that you and your family are safe and healthy 😊

bnb commented 4 years ago

Going to close this issue for now since the repo is up πŸ‘