nodejs / hardware

Hardware Working Group
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Regular meetings? #16

Closed nebrius closed 8 years ago

nebrius commented 9 years ago

Our meetings have been pretty sporadic since the group started. This is at least partly my fault, and I hope we can fix that!

At the Node summit recently, it was suggested we create a regularly scheduled meeting to help develop a cadence. What does everything think?

If we set up a regularly scheduled meeting, what times work best for everyone, keeping timezone differences in mind?

dtex commented 9 years ago

I am available any time/day except Mondays and Fridays. My attendance is less important than some other on the team, so if it needs to be on one of those days I'll deal.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

I'm pretty flexible on days/times. What does everyone think about making this monthly?

cc'ing various people who might be interested: @rwaldron, @nodebotanist, @emilyrose, @Resseguie, @rockbot, @AnnaGerber, @Frijol, @ajfisher, @TheAlphaNerd, @trevnorris, @soldair, @johnnyman727, @Fishrock123, @rvagg, @sandeepmistry, @jacobrosenthal, @reconbot. Let me know if I forgot anyone!

jacobrosenthal commented 9 years ago

Im in

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 6:25 PM, Bryan Hughes wrote:

I'm pretty flexible on days/times. What does everyone think about making this monthly?

cc'ing various people who might be interested: @rwaldron, @nodebotanist, @emilyrose, @Resseguie, @rockbot, @AnnaGerber, @Frijol, @ajfisher, @TheAlphaNerd, @trevnorris, @soldair, @johnnyman727, @Fishrock123, @rvagg, @sandeepmistry, @jacobrosenthal, @reconbot Let me know if I forgot anyone!

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Qard commented 9 years ago

I have some interest in attending as a representative of the docs wg. I'd like to see docs on how to use node with hardware. Don't worry about my schedule though. :smile:

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@Qard fantastic, we'd love to have you!

Can you all please let me know what timezone your in?

It sounds like people are pretty flexible, so maybe we can just propose some times and see what sticks

Qard commented 9 years ago

I'm Vancouver, so same as SF. Don't worry about timing for me though. I'm flexible. :)

nebrius commented 9 years ago

cc @BrianGenisio

BrianGenisio commented 9 years ago

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (work hours EST) work best for me.

reconbot commented 9 years ago

Est I'm flexible on dates and times. Who wants to make plans on Mondays and Fridays though? Good days to keep clear.

On Tue, Sep 1, 2015, 9:30 PM Brian Genisio wrote:

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (work hours EST) work best for me.

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nebrius commented 9 years ago

Sounds like everyone is pretty flexible, so I'm just going to throw out a suggestion.

How does the second Tuesday of every month at 1PM PST (4 PM EST) sound? It's during work hours and not-lunch hours for everyone in the US, late evening in Europe, and at least not middle of the night for eastern Asia and Australia.

reconbot commented 9 years ago


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015, 7:08 PM Bryan Hughes wrote:

Sounds like everyone is pretty flexible, so I'm just going to throw out a suggestion.

How does the second Tuesday of every month at 1PM PST (4 PM EST) sound? It's during work hours and not-lunch hours for everyone in the US, late evening in Europe, and at least not middle of the night for eastern Asia and Australia.

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ajfisher commented 9 years ago

Yep that sounds good. Early here in AU but at least doable. Other option is shift it by a couple of hours each month so the "terribleness" of TZ is being spread around.

On Thu, 3 Sep 2015 at 09:48 Francis Gulotta wrote:


On Wed, Sep 2, 2015, 7:08 PM Bryan Hughes wrote:

Sounds like everyone is pretty flexible, so I'm just going to throw out a suggestion.

How does the second Tuesday of every month at 1PM PST (4 PM EST) sound? It's during work hours and not-lunch hours for everyone in the US, late evening in Europe, and at least not middle of the night for eastern Asia and Australia.

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boneskull commented 9 years ago

I'd like to attend if that's OK. Sep 8 @ 13:00 UTC-08:00, correct?

nebrius commented 9 years ago

good idea @ajfisher.

@boneskull Please do attend. It's at 13:00 UTC-07:00 on September 8th right now due to daylight savings time (sorry, I should have said PDT not PST).

BrianGenisio commented 9 years ago

I'm in. doat Taking my kid to soccer practice at that time. But don't reschedule because of me. I might be able to join late.

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

I'm in

nodebotanist commented 9 years ago

I will attend as many as I can with my erratic schedule.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone, just a reminder that our next hardware meeting is today at 1PM PDT, 20:00 UTC.

I recommend we use this meeting as a change to regroup and get caught up on the current state of things. Does that sound good to everyone else?

MylesBorins commented 9 years ago

I will still be on the road, and Wil unfortunately miss the meeting.

will done one be taking notes? On Sep 8, 2015 11:33 AM, "Bryan Hughes" wrote:

Hey everyone, just a reminder that our next hardware meeting is today at 1PM PDT, 20:00 UTC.

I recommend we use this meeting as a change to regroup and get caught up on the current state of things. Does that sound good to everyone else?

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nebrius commented 9 years ago

Would someone like to volunteer to be note taker? In any case, I'll be recording the meeting and will post it online.

BrianGenisio commented 9 years ago

@nebrius +1 for notes and/or recording it. I'd like to try to get connected next month.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

ETA 5 minutes. Here are the links for the meeting:

Event link: This link is for anyone who wants to speak, although there are only 10 slots.

YouTube Link: This link is for anyone who wants to just listen in, and there are an unlimited number of slots AFAIK.

boneskull commented 9 years ago

Hmm, it appears I need to join Google+ to join?

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@boneskull I do believe that's a necessity, yes

jacobrosenthal commented 9 years ago

Either Im bad at google or I dont think the g+ one is a joinable hangout

On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 10:01 PM, Christopher Hiller <> wrote:

Hmm, it appears I need to join Google+ to join?

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nebrius commented 9 years ago

hmm...let me double check

nebrius commented 9 years ago

try this link:

nebrius commented 9 years ago

It seems the second link is working fine, so can everyone please use that link? Sorry for the confusion. We'll wait 5 more minutes for people to join

boneskull commented 9 years ago

note: you don't actually need a Google+ account.

Qard commented 9 years ago

I'll participate in #io.js on IRC, if anyone is around. My internet is extremely unstable right now. :disappointed:

Resseguie commented 9 years ago

FYI I'm listening in on listen-only channel.

Qard commented 9 years ago

@boneskull If you want stuff to help with, the docs working group wants some introductory guides on using node on embedded devices. We'd greatly appreciate the help. :smile_cat:

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@Qard that's a great suggestion! @boneskull, if this sounds like something you're interested, head over to and check out how to contribute.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

Thanks everyone who was able to join. The recording is live at

I don't think that @jacobrosenthal's chat was included in the audio recordings, so apologies for that everyone. The tl;dr is that we don't have support for Node.js 4 yet in node-serialport due to needing to upgrade to NAN 3. There is some refactoring work that needs to be done, which the team has been hesitant to do until now. Given the timing in finding other solutions, it may be necessary to go ahead and bit the bullet. Is that a good summation Jacob?

Action items from this meeting were:

dtex commented 9 years ago

Sorry I missed. I was listening in for part of it on YouTube and will watch to the rest tonight. I'm going to try and get a summary of the state of the pull request from George. There are a few things that weren't clear on the face of it that I think may be problems. I'll update y'all when he replies (and I'm sure it'll be on libuv/libuv#484 as well).

fivdi commented 9 years ago

@jacobrosenthal Just in case you haven't seen them, there are two pull requests for upgrading node-serialport to NAN 2, and

nebrius commented 9 years ago

thanks for the links @fivdi. On the off-chance, have you looked at what the breaking changes in NAN 3 are? I haven't had a chance to do so yet.

Qard commented 9 years ago

As far as I'm aware, NAN 2 was designed to be compatible with both io.js 3.x and node 4.x. There is no NAN 3 yet.

fivdi commented 9 years ago

It's NAN 2, NAN 3 doesn't exist yet :) I've upgraded two modules from NAN 1.8 to 2.0 so far and although a lot of modifications were required, they were relatively easy to make. For example, here's the commit that upgraded i2c-bus.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

d'oh, my mistake. I thought I saw some conversation on twitter about it, but I was probably just reading iojs 3 😅

fivdi commented 9 years ago

What is a little annoying at the moment is the fact that the "recommended" images for boards like the BeagleBone Black and Rapsberry Pi come with gcc 4.6 pre-installed, but to compile addons for io.js 3.x and Node.js 4.x gcc 4.8 is required.

nebrius commented 9 years ago


Fishrock123 commented 9 years ago

but to compile addons for io.js 3.x and Node.js 4.x gcc 4.8 is required.

I'm sorry. There is literally nothing we can do about this. V8 moved to using c++11 features which require the version bump. It's out of our hands. :/

boneskull commented 9 years ago

@Qard @nebrius thanks for the good suggestion. I like writing, even.

C/C++ makes me cold and clammy, so if the bulk of the work to be done here is in that arena, I'll look to assist elsewhere.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@boneskull don't worry about lack of C/C++ skills. TBQH the bulk of the coding work is things to be done by other people. The bulk of what we do is make sure that we have a good understanding of what the pain points are and getting the right people connected and talking so that these pain points can be resolved, or at least lessened.

ajfisher commented 9 years ago

Sorry I missed. 6am Australian time so when the reminder can't through it was middle of the night.

Can I request whoever is going to coordinate (seems like Bryan) create and share a calendar that we can subscribe to which will then take into account local time zones etc...

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015, 08:48 Bryan Hughes wrote:

@boneskull don't worry about lack of C/C++ skills. TBQH the bulk of the coding work is things to be done by other people. The bulk of what we do is make sure that we have a good understanding of what the pain points are and getting the right people connected and talking so that these pain points can be resolved, or at least lessened.

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vielmetti commented 9 years ago

One other issue with gcc 4.6 -> gcc 4.8 support needed is noted here - - projects using Travis CI have to incorporate a few extra steps to make sure that they build their tests with the right compiler.

noopkat commented 9 years ago

didn't know about this thread, sorry. I'm still interesting in participating in this WG.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@noopkat awesome, we'd love to have you! We don't have any formal membership or anything like that for this WG. I'd just watch this repo and keep an eye on issues filed.

noopkat commented 9 years ago

ah thank you so much @nebrius, will do!