nodejs / hardware

Hardware Working Group
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Known Support Matrix #3

Closed voodootikigod closed 1 year ago

voodootikigod commented 9 years ago

Much like we do in node-serialport it is vital to know a support matrix of known working and supported operating platforms to serial devices. This helps with support, maintenance, and testing before each rollout.

reconbot commented 8 years ago

The j5 platform support page is a good place to start.

dtex commented 8 years ago

Are these the only attributes that need to be tracked?

rwaldron commented 8 years ago

@reconbot @dtex that data is conveniently stored as JSON in a file

nebrius commented 8 years ago

Should we also track CPU architecture? I'm thinking of armv6 vs armv7 for the Raspberry Pi (the RPi 2 is armv7, but I feel like a lot of people still run armv6 builds of node).

rwaldron commented 8 years ago

@nebrius makes sense to track that

reconbot commented 8 years ago

NodeJS itself doesn't make it easy to discover what ARM version you're on. I'm working on getting CI support for the missing platforms. Docker and QEMU has been a godsend.

I've got a pretty inclusive table on node serialport

serialport supports and tests against the following platforms, architectures and node versions.

Platform / Arch Node v0.10.x Node v0.12.x Node v4.x Node v5.x Node v6.x
Linux / ia32
Linux / x64
Linux / ARM v6¹
Linux / ARM v7¹
Linux / ARM v8¹
Linux / MIPSel¹
Linux / PPC64¹
Windows² / x86
Windows² / x64
OSX³ / x64

¹ ARM, MIPSel and PPC64¹ platforms are known to work but are not currently part of our test or build matrix. #846 ARM v4 and v5 was dropped from NodeJS after Node v0.10.

² Windows 7, 8, 10, and 10 IoT are supported but only Windows Server 2012 R2 is tested by our CI.

³ OSX 10.4 Tiger and above are supported but only 10.9.5 Mavericks with Xcode 6.1 is tested in our CI.