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5/28 meeting, JSConf edition #8

Closed nebrius closed 9 years ago

nebrius commented 9 years ago

It's time for our next meeting. Many, if not most, of the people interested in participating are at JSConf right now, so let's do this in person!

Tomorrow (5/28) is the JavaScript IRL day, so let's host this meeting after we're done cleaning up, should be around 6:30 EDT or so.

Is there anyone who wants to participate but isn't at the conference?

nebrius commented 9 years ago

I propose the following high-level agenda:

dtex commented 9 years ago

I'm in

graysonarts commented 9 years ago

I'm interested in participating, but I'm not at the conference and will be without internet tomorrow. Is it possible there will be a recording of this meeting also?

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@RussTheAerialist yes there will be a recording!

I'm thinking that we can do a Google Hangout if there are remote people who want to join, or we can just use iMovie or something else offline if it's just JSConf folks.

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

I'm in!

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@sandeepmistry you're at JSConf, right? (I think we met last night)

Resseguie commented 9 years ago

I'm in, too.

sandeepmistry commented 9 years ago

@bryan-m-hughes yes, I'm at JSConf!

jacobrosenthal commented 9 years ago

Ill be there.

jkleinsc commented 9 years ago

Is this open to anyone at JSConf?

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@jkleinsc sure, stop on by!

nebrius commented 9 years ago

It doesn't look like there is anyone not at JSConf attending, so let's hold this by the pool! I'll update here once it's close to time for the meeting to start

nodebotanist commented 9 years ago

I'll be there.

nebrius commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone, we're starting at 6:15 in the upper area by the pool. Feel free to grab a nice beach beverage and chill for a bit beforehand!

nebrius commented 9 years ago

We're at a table by right by the main door to the lobby. Starting very soon!

nebrius commented 9 years ago

Here's the recording from the event: Apologies if the audio isn't great, there was a lot of background noise.

reconbot commented 9 years ago

It was great

dtex commented 9 years ago

I dove in on my action item, but after reviewing the LIBUV code I'm not sure I can get up to speed quickly enough and I don't want us to possibly miss a release down the road. I'm going to keep ramping up on that code base, but I've asked @voodootikigod if he could contact them to keep this moving forward.

dtex commented 9 years ago

Are we converting action items from this meeting to github issues?

dtex commented 9 years ago

I did find this which says "LIBUV won't and can't do that":

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@dtex 😥 welp...

We can talk about this more at the next meeting, but perhaps our course of action should be higher level, e.g. getting node-serialport into core.

Is anyone else going to be at NodeConf Adventure? I'll be there, and I'm hoping to get a chance to chat with some of the libuv folks.

BTW, I think that's a great idea about opening issues for action items! Let's all do that.

dtex commented 9 years ago

I'll be at NodeConf Adventure

jacobrosenthal commented 9 years ago

That doesnt seem cut and dry to me. Wont and cant why.

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Donovan Buck wrote:

I'll be at NodeConf Adventure

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

nebrius commented 9 years ago

@jacobrosenthal I'm curious too

I created for my action item.

I'm going to go ahead and close this issue since we already had the meeting. Thanks everyone for pitching in!

nebrius commented 9 years ago

BTW, so node-ffi already has async capabilities! What's more, efforts are already underway to get it into node core:

This far-fetched idea is starting to look really promising. I'm going to switch Raspi-IO over to using it to see how things go and document the process.