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Where did the nodjs QUIC support / documentation go? #3228

Closed Amyy closed 3 years ago

Amyy commented 3 years ago

Until recently, nodejs had a QUIC support by compiling nodejs via the --experimental-quic flag. (It's also described in this comment.)

We implemented a QUIC server+client setup for a university project in nodejs and everything works fine. But now the QUIC documentation is gone and we still have work to do on that project... I hope I didn't overlook anything, but I can't find the documentation anywhere right now. Does somebody know more about the current state of QUIC in nodejs?

richardlau commented 3 years ago

It was removed in

Amyy commented 3 years ago

Oh that's unfortunate. Thank you for the fast reply!

Is there any possibility to at least read the deprecated documentation? We can't find it here. That would already help us a lot.

RaisinTen commented 3 years ago


richardlau commented 3 years ago

Amyy commented 3 years ago

That was fast, thanks a lot!! :)