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ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 3221225477. #4243

Closed cdwmhcc closed 10 months ago

cdwmhcc commented 10 months ago


The project is based on Nuxt3. When I run pnpm run dev, the following error will occasionally occur. Sometimes this error will appear after running it multiple times, sometimes it will report errors continuously, and sometimes it is normal, so I am not sure when it will report an error.

error 1

# Fatal error in , line 0
# Check failed: fixed_size_above_fp + (stack_slots * kSystemPointerSize) - CommonFrameConstants::kFixedFrameSizeAboveFp + outgoing_size == result.
#FailureMessage Object: 0000000000BFCE70
 1: 00007FF72B5F07BF node_api_throw_syntax_error+175823
 2: 00007FF72B50630F v8::CTypeInfoBuilder<void>::Build+12559
 3: 00007FF72C3C3732 V8_Fatal+162
 4: 00007FF72BF32841 v8::internal::BasicBlockProfilerData::ResetCounts+35681
 5: 00007FF72BF36C7F v8::internal::Deoptimizer::GetDeoptimizedCodeCount+1279
 6: 00007FF72C033B20 v8::internal::SetupIsolateDelegate::SetupHeap+288
 7: 000003A34EB376D9
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 2147483651.

error 2

This error occurs very frequently.

 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 3221225477.



Node.js version

Example code

npx nuxi@latest init my-app

  1. cd my-app
  2. pnpm install
  3. pnpm run dev

Operating system



Module and version

preveen-stack commented 10 months ago

cc @nodejs/v8 PTAL

cdwmhcc commented 10 months ago

Disable bios cpu c-status and the system will work fun. This should be a fault caused by the CPU.