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Node v18.19.0 - npm: command not found #4334

Closed HelpAroundUser closed 5 months ago

HelpAroundUser commented 5 months ago

Hello, I have an issue with npm. I have used this approach to install Node 18 inside the docker image. Image based on php:8.2-fpm. The image was successfully built and I see inside the Node version:


But when I tried to check the npm version I saw the message:


If I used version 20 for installation with the same approach npm also works well and I had Node: v20.11.0 npm: v10.2.4

The issue appeared yesterday, before that we built a lot of images with node 18 and npm 10.2.3 for our needs. Could you help us to understand what is the issue? Thanks

richardlau commented 5 months ago

Hello, I have an issue with npm. I have used this approach to install Node 18 inside the docker image.

You'll need to ask over in -- the Node.js project does not maintain the distributions from

HelpAroundUser commented 5 months ago

Thanks I found the solution