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Problem with old node version #4347

Open Jadiex opened 4 months ago

Jadiex commented 4 months ago


I have installed nvm version 1.1.12 and then i was installed node version 10.14.1 that work perfectly but when i installed version 6.2.0 and i try write differents node commands like (npm -v) and they didn't work. Don't appear any error mensage but doesnn´t do anything. I tried other command like npm install rollup o node and dont work any of them.

I tried other version and I see that version 6.6.0 and earlier don´t work but I don't now why. I uninstall and install more then one times. Also when I am using that version and use nvm list don't appear de architecture of the version.


Node.js version


Example code

No response

Operating system

windows 10


installations and use

Module and version

Not applicable.

Jadiex commented 4 months ago

I have this version for nvm image

VoltrexKeyva commented 4 months ago

I recommend opening an issue about this in the nvm-windows repository, it might have to do with how they're installing and managing older versions.