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How to download the latest LTS from bash? #4386

Closed artfulrobot closed 1 month ago

artfulrobot commented 2 months ago


For years I've been scraping, using a simple xpath '//a[contains(@title, "LTS")]/@data-version' to find the latest LTS version.

From there I could download and install it within my bash script.

Now the homepage has changed has removed any semantic data, so I can't find the latest LTS.

My script did this:

  1. checks currently installed version
  2. checks LTS latest version
  3. if 2>1 then it offers to download and install newer version.

Node.js version

Not applicable.

Example code

No response

Operating system




Module and version

Not applicable.

richardlau commented 2 months ago

Rather than scrape the website, you'd be better off parsing the data from either or

artfulrobot commented 2 months ago

@richardlau thanks for the links, this seems to work:

curl -s '' | jq -c 'map(select(.lts)) []| {date, version}' | sort | tail -n1 | jq '.version'