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get list of valid nodejs exec args #589

Closed ORESoftware closed 7 years ago

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

Is there an official list of Node.js exec args (process.execArgv) for each Node.js version?

I will look in user land, but curious what might be more official.

indutny commented 7 years ago

This API is available since v0.7.7. What is the question, though?

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

@ORESoftware Do you mean the options listed in + obtained with node --v8-options > v8.options.txt?

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@vsemozhetbyt @indutny I am looking to get them programmatically at runtime

I could spawn a child process to run node --v8-options, but I am not certain if parsing the output will be that reliable, and I would rather avoid spawning a child process to accomplish this, if possible.

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

@ORESoftware What about parsing the output of node --help and node --v8-options?

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@vsemozhetbyt thanks, that would work, but I am looking for a lighterweight way to do this.

I have a command line app, that's doing a lot of work already. I would rather not have to spawn a process and parse the output somehow.

There is no guarantee that the output format won't change. What I really need is an array in memory, like so:

const validNodeExecArgs = ['--foo','--bar','--baz'];

Unfortunately, it would be too unreliable to parse the output from node --v8-options:

Output (click me): ```js SSE3=1 SSE4_1=1 SAHF=1 AVX=1 FMA3=1 BMI1=1 BMI2=1 LZCNT=1 POPCNT=1 ATOM=0 Usage: shell [options] -e string execute string in V8 shell [options] file1 file2 ... filek run JavaScript scripts in file1, file2, ..., filek shell [options] shell [options] --shell [file1 file2 ... filek] run an interactive JavaScript shell d8 [options] file1 file2 ... filek d8 [options] d8 [options] --shell [file1 file2 ... filek] run the new debugging shell Options: --warn_template_set (warn on deprecated v8::Template::Set() use) type: bool default: true --experimental_extras (enable code compiled in via v8_experimental_extra_library_files) type: bool default: false --use_strict (enforce strict mode) type: bool default: false --es_staging (enable test-worthy harmony features (for internal use only)) type: bool default: false --harmony (enable all completed harmony features) type: bool default: false --harmony_shipping (enable all shipped harmony features) type: bool default: true --promise_extra (additional V8 Promise functions) type: bool default: true --harmony_default_parameters (nop flag for "harmony default parameters") type: bool default: true --harmony_destructuring_assignment (nop flag for "harmony destructuring assignment") type: bool default: true --harmony_destructuring_bind (nop flag for "harmony destructuring bind") type: bool default: true --harmony_regexps (nop flag for "harmony regular expression extensions") type: bool default: true --harmony_proxies (nop flag for "harmony proxies") type: bool default: true --harmony_reflect (nop flag for "harmony Reflect API") type: bool default: true --harmony_tostring (nop flag for "harmony toString") type: bool default: true --harmony_array_prototype_values (enable "harmony Array.prototype.values" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_object_observe (enable "harmony Object.observe" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_function_sent (enable "harmony function.sent" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_sharedarraybuffer (enable "harmony sharedarraybuffer" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_simd (enable "harmony simd" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_do_expressions (enable "harmony do-expressions" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_regexp_property (enable "harmony unicode regexp property classes" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_string_padding (enable "harmony String-padding methods" (in progress)) type: bool default: false --harmony_regexp_lookbehind (enable "harmony regexp lookbehind") type: bool default: false --harmony_tailcalls (enable "harmony tail calls") type: bool default: false --harmony_object_values_entries (enable "harmony Object.values / Object.entries") type: bool default: false --harmony_object_own_property_descriptors (enable "harmony Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors()") type: bool default: false --harmony_exponentiation_operator (enable "harmony exponentiation operator `**`") type: bool default: false --harmony_function_name (enable "harmony Function name inference") type: bool default: true --harmony_instanceof (enable "harmony instanceof support") type: bool default: true --harmony_iterator_close (enable "harmony iterator finalization") type: bool default: true --harmony_unicode_regexps (enable "harmony unicode regexps") type: bool default: true --harmony_regexp_exec (enable "harmony RegExp exec override behavior") type: bool default: true --harmony_sloppy (enable "harmony features in sloppy mode") type: bool default: true --harmony_sloppy_let (enable "harmony let in sloppy mode") type: bool default: true --harmony_sloppy_function (enable "harmony sloppy function block scoping") type: bool default: true --harmony_regexp_subclass (enable "harmony regexp subclassing") type: bool default: true --harmony_restrictive_declarations (enable "harmony limitations on sloppy mode function declarations") type: bool default: true --harmony_species (enable "harmony Symbol.species") type: bool default: true --compiled_keyed_generic_loads (use optimizing compiler to generate keyed generic load stubs) type: bool default: false --allocation_site_pretenuring (pretenure with allocation sites) type: bool default: true --trace_pretenuring (trace pretenuring decisions of HAllocate instructions) type: bool default: false --trace_pretenuring_statistics (trace allocation site pretenuring statistics) type: bool default: false --track_fields (track fields with only smi values) type: bool default: true --track_double_fields (track fields with double values) type: bool default: true --track_heap_object_fields (track fields with heap values) type: bool default: true --track_computed_fields (track computed boilerplate fields) type: bool default: true --harmony_instanceof_opt (optimize ES6 instanceof support) type: bool default: true --track_field_types (track field types) type: bool default: true --smi_binop (support smi representation in binary operations) type: bool default: true --optimize_for_size (Enables optimizations which favor memory size over execution speed) type: bool default: false --unbox_double_arrays (automatically unbox arrays of doubles) type: bool default: true --string_slices (use string slices) type: bool default: true --ignition (use ignition interpreter) type: bool default: false --ignition_eager (eagerly compile and parse with ignition) type: bool default: true --ignition_filter (filter for ignition interpreter) type: string default: * --print_bytecode (print bytecode generated by ignition interpreter) type: bool default: false --trace_ignition (trace the bytecodes executed by the ignition interpreter) type: bool default: false --trace_ignition_codegen (trace the codegen of ignition interpreter bytecode handlers) type: bool default: false --crankshaft (use crankshaft) type: bool default: true --hydrogen_filter (optimization filter) type: string default: * --use_gvn (use hydrogen global value numbering) type: bool default: true --gvn_iterations (maximum number of GVN fix-point iterations) type: int default: 3 --use_canonicalizing (use hydrogen instruction canonicalizing) type: bool default: true --use_inlining (use function inlining) type: bool default: true --use_escape_analysis (use hydrogen escape analysis) type: bool default: true --use_allocation_folding (use allocation folding) type: bool default: true --use_local_allocation_folding (only fold in basic blocks) type: bool default: false --use_write_barrier_elimination (eliminate write barriers targeting allocations in optimized code) type: bool default: true --max_inlining_levels (maximum number of inlining levels) type: int default: 5 --max_inlined_source_size (maximum source size in bytes considered for a single inlining) type: int default: 600 --max_inlined_nodes (maximum number of AST nodes considered for a single inlining) type: int default: 196 --max_inlined_nodes_cumulative (maximum cumulative number of AST nodes considered for inlining) type: int default: 400 --loop_invariant_code_motion (loop invariant code motion) type: bool default: true --fast_math (faster (but maybe less accurate) math functions) type: bool default: true --collect_megamorphic_maps_from_stub_cache (crankshaft harvests type feedback from stub cache) type: bool default: false --hydrogen_stats (print statistics for hydrogen) type: bool default: false --trace_check_elimination (trace check elimination phase) type: bool default: false --trace_environment_liveness (trace liveness of local variable slots) type: bool default: false --trace_hydrogen (trace generated hydrogen to file) type: bool default: false --trace_hydrogen_filter (hydrogen tracing filter) type: string default: * --trace_hydrogen_stubs (trace generated hydrogen for stubs) type: bool default: false --trace_hydrogen_file (trace hydrogen to given file name) type: string default: NULL --trace_phase (trace generated IR for specified phases) type: string default: HLZ --trace_inlining (trace inlining decisions) type: bool default: false --trace_load_elimination (trace load elimination) type: bool default: false --trace_store_elimination (trace store elimination) type: bool default: false --trace_alloc (trace register allocator) type: bool default: false --trace_all_uses (trace all use positions) type: bool default: false --trace_range (trace range analysis) type: bool default: false --trace_gvn (trace global value numbering) type: bool default: false --trace_representation (trace representation types) type: bool default: false --trace_removable_simulates (trace removable simulates) type: bool default: false --trace_escape_analysis (trace hydrogen escape analysis) type: bool default: false --trace_allocation_folding (trace allocation folding) type: bool default: false --trace_track_allocation_sites (trace the tracking of allocation sites) type: bool default: false --trace_migration (trace object migration) type: bool default: false --trace_generalization (trace map generalization) type: bool default: false --stress_pointer_maps (pointer map for every instruction) type: bool default: false --stress_environments (environment for every instruction) type: bool default: false --deopt_every_n_times (deoptimize every n times a deopt point is passed) type: int default: 0 --deopt_every_n_garbage_collections (deoptimize every n garbage collections) type: int default: 0 --print_deopt_stress (print number of possible deopt points) type: bool default: false --trap_on_deopt (put a break point before deoptimizing) type: bool default: false --trap_on_stub_deopt (put a break point before deoptimizing a stub) type: bool default: false --deoptimize_uncommon_cases (deoptimize uncommon cases) type: bool default: true --polymorphic_inlining (polymorphic inlining) type: bool default: true --use_osr (use on-stack replacement) type: bool default: true --array_bounds_checks_elimination (perform array bounds checks elimination) type: bool default: true --trace_bce (trace array bounds check elimination) type: bool default: false --array_index_dehoisting (perform array index dehoisting) type: bool default: true --analyze_environment_liveness (analyze liveness of environment slots and zap dead values) type: bool default: true --load_elimination (use load elimination) type: bool default: true --check_elimination (use check elimination) type: bool default: true --store_elimination (use store elimination) type: bool default: false --dead_code_elimination (use dead code elimination) type: bool default: true --fold_constants (use constant folding) type: bool default: true --trace_dead_code_elimination (trace dead code elimination) type: bool default: false --unreachable_code_elimination (eliminate unreachable code) type: bool default: true --trace_osr (trace on-stack replacement) type: bool default: false --stress_runs (number of stress runs) type: int default: 0 --lookup_sample_by_shared (when picking a function to optimize, watch for shared function info, not JSFunction itself) type: bool default: true --flush_optimized_code_cache (flushes the cache of optimized code for closures on every GC) type: bool default: false --inline_construct (inline constructor calls) type: bool default: true --inline_arguments (inline functions with arguments object) type: bool default: true --inline_accessors (inline JavaScript accessors) type: bool default: true --escape_analysis_iterations (maximum number of escape analysis fix-point iterations) type: int default: 2 --concurrent_recompilation (optimizing hot functions asynchronously on a separate thread) type: bool default: true --trace_concurrent_recompilation (track concurrent recompilation) type: bool default: false --concurrent_recompilation_queue_length (the length of the concurrent compilation queue) type: int default: 8 --concurrent_recompilation_delay (artificial compilation delay in ms) type: int default: 0 --block_concurrent_recompilation (block queued jobs until released) type: bool default: false --omit_map_checks_for_leaf_maps (do not emit check maps for constant values that have a leaf map, deoptimize the optimized code if the layout of the maps changes.) type: bool default: true --turbo (enable TurboFan compiler) type: bool default: false --turbo_shipping (enable TurboFan compiler on subset) type: bool default: true --turbo_greedy_regalloc (use the greedy register allocator) type: bool default: false --turbo_sp_frame_access (use stack pointer-relative access to frame wherever possible) type: bool default: false --turbo_preprocess_ranges (run pre-register allocation heuristics) type: bool default: true --turbo_loop_stackcheck (enable stack checks in loops) type: bool default: true --turbo_filter (optimization filter for TurboFan compiler) type: string default: ~~ --trace_turbo (trace generated TurboFan IR) type: bool default: false --trace_turbo_graph (trace generated TurboFan graphs) type: bool default: false --trace_turbo_cfg_file (trace turbo cfg graph (for C1 visualizer) to a given file name) type: string default: NULL --trace_turbo_types (trace TurboFan's types) type: bool default: true --trace_turbo_scheduler (trace TurboFan's scheduler) type: bool default: false --trace_turbo_reduction (trace TurboFan's various reducers) type: bool default: false --trace_turbo_jt (trace TurboFan's jump threading) type: bool default: false --trace_turbo_ceq (trace TurboFan's control equivalence) type: bool default: false --turbo_asm (enable TurboFan for asm.js code) type: bool default: true --turbo_asm_deoptimization (enable deoptimization in TurboFan for asm.js code) type: bool default: false --turbo_verify (verify TurboFan graphs at each phase) type: bool default: false --turbo_stats (print TurboFan statistics) type: bool default: false --turbo_splitting (split nodes during scheduling in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_types (use typed lowering in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_source_positions (track source code positions when building TurboFan IR) type: bool default: false --function_context_specialization (enable function context specialization in TurboFan) type: bool default: false --native_context_specialization (enable native context specialization in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_inlining (enable inlining in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --trace_turbo_inlining (trace TurboFan inlining) type: bool default: false --loop_assignment_analysis (perform loop assignment analysis) type: bool default: true --turbo_profiling (enable profiling in TurboFan) type: bool default: false --turbo_verify_allocation (verify register allocation in TurboFan) type: bool default: false --turbo_move_optimization (optimize gap moves in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_jt (enable jump threading in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_osr (enable OSR in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_stress_loop_peeling (stress loop peeling optimization) type: bool default: false --turbo_cf_optimization (optimize control flow in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_frame_elision (elide frames in TurboFan) type: bool default: true --turbo_cache_shared_code (cache context-independent code) type: bool default: true --turbo_preserve_shared_code (keep context-independent code) type: bool default: false --turbo_escape (enable escape analysis) type: bool default: false --turbo_instruction_scheduling (enable instruction scheduling in TurboFan) type: bool default: false --turbo_stress_instruction_scheduling (randomly schedule instructions to stress dependency tracking) type: bool default: false --expose_wasm (expose WASM interface to JavaScript) type: bool default: false --trace_wasm_encoder (trace encoding of wasm code) type: bool default: false --trace_wasm_decoder (trace decoding of wasm code) type: bool default: false --trace_wasm_decode_time (trace decoding time of wasm code) type: bool default: false --trace_wasm_compiler (trace compiling of wasm code) type: bool default: false --trace_wasm_ast_start (start function for WASM AST trace (inclusive)) type: int default: 0 --trace_wasm_ast_end (end function for WASM AST trace (exclusive)) type: int default: 0 --skip_compiling_wasm_funcs (start compiling at function N) type: int default: 0 --wasm_break_on_decoder_error (debug break when wasm decoder encounters an error) type: bool default: false --wasm_loop_assignment_analysis (perform loop assignment analysis for WASM) type: bool default: true --enable_simd_asmjs (enable SIMD.js in asm.js stdlib) type: bool default: false --dump_wasm_module (dump WASM module bytes) type: bool default: false --dump_wasm_module_path (directory to dump wasm modules to) type: string default: NULL --typed_array_max_size_in_heap (threshold for in-heap typed array) type: int default: 64 --frame_count (number of stack frames inspected by the profiler) type: int default: 1 --interrupt_budget (execution budget before interrupt is triggered) type: int default: 6144 --type_info_threshold (percentage of ICs that must have type info to allow optimization) type: int default: 25 --generic_ic_threshold (max percentage of megamorphic/generic ICs to allow optimization) type: int default: 30 --self_opt_count (call count before self-optimization) type: int default: 130 --trace_opt_verbose (extra verbose compilation tracing) type: bool default: false --debug_code (generate extra code (assertions) for debugging) type: bool default: false --code_comments (emit comments in code disassembly) type: bool default: false --enable_sse3 (enable use of SSE3 instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_sse4_1 (enable use of SSE4.1 instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_sahf (enable use of SAHF instruction if available (X64 only)) type: bool default: true --enable_avx (enable use of AVX instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_fma3 (enable use of FMA3 instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_bmi1 (enable use of BMI1 instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_bmi2 (enable use of BMI2 instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_lzcnt (enable use of LZCNT instruction if available) type: bool default: true --enable_popcnt (enable use of POPCNT instruction if available) type: bool default: true --enable_vfp3 (enable use of VFP3 instructions if available) type: bool default: true --enable_armv7 (enable use of ARMv7 instructions if available (ARM only)) type: bool default: true --enable_armv8 (enable use of ARMv8 instructions if available (ARM 32-bit only)) type: bool default: true --enable_neon (enable use of NEON instructions if available (ARM only)) type: bool default: true --enable_sudiv (enable use of SDIV and UDIV instructions if available (ARM only)) type: bool default: true --enable_mls (enable use of MLS instructions if available (ARM only)) type: bool default: true --enable_movw_movt (enable loading 32-bit constant by means of movw/movt instruction pairs (ARM only)) type: bool default: false --enable_unaligned_accesses (enable unaligned accesses for ARMv7 (ARM only)) type: bool default: true --enable_32dregs (enable use of d16-d31 registers on ARM - this requires VFP3) type: bool default: true --enable_vldr_imm (enable use of constant pools for double immediate (ARM only)) type: bool default: false --force_long_branches (force all emitted branches to be in long mode (MIPS/PPC only)) type: bool default: false --mcpu (enable optimization for specific cpu) type: string default: auto --expose_natives_as (expose natives in global object) type: string default: NULL --expose_debug_as (expose debug in global object) type: string default: NULL --expose_free_buffer (expose freeBuffer extension) type: bool default: false --expose_gc (expose gc extension) type: bool default: false --expose_gc_as (expose gc extension under the specified name) type: string default: NULL --expose_externalize_string (expose externalize string extension) type: bool default: false --expose_trigger_failure (expose trigger-failure extension) type: bool default: false --stack_trace_limit (number of stack frames to capture) type: int default: 10 --builtins_in_stack_traces (show built-in functions in stack traces) type: bool default: false --disable_native_files (disable builtin natives files) type: bool default: false --inline_new (use fast inline allocation) type: bool default: true --trace_codegen (print name of functions for which code is generated) type: bool default: false --trace (trace function calls) type: bool default: false --mask_constants_with_cookie (use random jit cookie to mask large constants) type: bool default: true --lazy (use lazy compilation) type: bool default: true --trace_opt (trace lazy optimization) type: bool default: false --trace_opt_stats (trace lazy optimization statistics) type: bool default: false --opt (use adaptive optimizations) type: bool default: true --always_opt (always try to optimize functions) type: bool default: false --always_osr (always try to OSR functions) type: bool default: false --prepare_always_opt (prepare for turning on always opt) type: bool default: false --trace_deopt (trace optimize function deoptimization) type: bool default: false --trace_stub_failures (trace deoptimization of generated code stubs) type: bool default: false --serialize_toplevel (enable caching of toplevel scripts) type: bool default: true --serialize_eager (compile eagerly when caching scripts) type: bool default: false --serialize_age_code (pre age code in the code cache) type: bool default: false --trace_serializer (print code serializer trace) type: bool default: false --min_preparse_length (minimum length for automatic enable preparsing) type: int default: 1024 --max_opt_count (maximum number of optimization attempts before giving up.) type: int default: 10 --compilation_cache (enable compilation cache) type: bool default: true --cache_prototype_transitions (cache prototype transitions) type: bool default: true --cpu_profiler_sampling_interval (CPU profiler sampling interval in microseconds) type: int default: 1000 --trace_js_array_abuse (trace out-of-bounds accesses to JS arrays) type: bool default: false --trace_external_array_abuse (trace out-of-bounds-accesses to external arrays) type: bool default: false --trace_array_abuse (trace out-of-bounds accesses to all arrays) type: bool default: false --trace_debug_json (trace debugging JSON request/response) type: bool default: false --enable_liveedit (enable liveedit experimental feature) type: bool default: true --hard_abort (abort by crashing) type: bool default: true --stack_size (default size of stack region v8 is allowed to use (in kBytes)) type: int default: 984 --max_stack_trace_source_length (maximum length of function source code printed in a stack trace.) type: int default: 300 --always_inline_smi_code (always inline smi code in non-opt code) type: bool default: false --verify_operand_stack_depth (emit debug code that verifies the static tracking of the operand stack depth) type: bool default: false --min_semi_space_size (min size of a semi-space (in MBytes), the new space consists of twosemi-spaces) type: int default: 0 --max_semi_space_size (max size of a semi-space (in MBytes), the new space consists of twosemi-spaces) type: int default: 0 --semi_space_growth_factor (factor by which to grow the new space) type: int default: 2 --experimental_new_space_growth_heuristic (Grow the new space based on the percentage of survivors instead of their absolute value.) type: bool default: false --max_old_space_size (max size of the old space (in Mbytes)) type: int default: 0 --initial_old_space_size (initial old space size (in Mbytes)) type: int default: 0 --max_executable_size (max size of executable memory (in Mbytes)) type: int default: 0 --gc_global (always perform global GCs) type: bool default: false --gc_interval (garbage collect after allocations) type: int default: -1 --retain_maps_for_n_gc (keeps maps alive for old space garbage collections) type: int default: 2 --trace_gc (print one trace line following each garbage collection) type: bool default: false --trace_gc_nvp (print one detailed trace line in name=value format after each garbage collection) type: bool default: false --trace_gc_ignore_scavenger (do not print trace line after scavenger collection) type: bool default: false --trace_idle_notification (print one trace line following each idle notification) type: bool default: false --trace_idle_notification_verbose (prints the heap state used by the idle notification) type: bool default: false --print_cumulative_gc_stat (print cumulative GC statistics in name=value format on exit) type: bool default: false --print_max_heap_committed (print statistics of the maximum memory committed for the heap in name=value format on exit) type: bool default: false --trace_gc_verbose (print more details following each garbage collection) type: bool default: false --trace_allocation_stack_interval (print stack trace after free-list allocations) type: int default: -1 --trace_fragmentation (report fragmentation for old space) type: bool default: false --trace_fragmentation_verbose (report fragmentation for old space (detailed)) type: bool default: false --trace_evacuation (report evacuation statistics) type: bool default: false --trace_mutator_utilization (print mutator utilization, allocation speed, gc speed) type: bool default: false --weak_embedded_maps_in_optimized_code (make maps embedded in optimized code weak) type: bool default: true --weak_embedded_objects_in_optimized_code (make objects embedded in optimized code weak) type: bool default: true --flush_code (flush code that we expect not to use again) type: bool default: true --trace_code_flushing (trace code flushing progress) type: bool default: false --age_code (track un-executed functions to age code and flush only old code (required for code flushing)) type: bool default: true --incremental_marking (use incremental marking) type: bool default: true --min_progress_during_incremental_marking_finalization (keep finalizing incremental marking as long as we discover at least this many unmarked objects) type: int default: 32 --max_incremental_marking_finalization_rounds (at most try this many times to finalize incremental marking) type: int default: 3 --black_allocation (use black allocation) type: bool default: true --concurrent_sweeping (use concurrent sweeping) type: bool default: true --parallel_compaction (use parallel compaction) type: bool default: true --parallel_pointer_update (use parallel pointer update during compaction) type: bool default: true --trace_incremental_marking (trace progress of the incremental marking) type: bool default: false --track_gc_object_stats (track object counts and memory usage) type: bool default: false --trace_gc_object_stats (trace object counts and memory usage) type: bool default: false --track_detached_contexts (track native contexts that are expected to be garbage collected) type: bool default: true --trace_detached_contexts (trace native contexts that are expected to be garbage collected) type: bool default: false --move_object_start (enable moving of object starts) type: bool default: true --memory_reducer (use memory reducer) type: bool default: true --scavenge_reclaim_unmodified_objects (remove unmodified and unreferenced objects) type: bool default: true --heap_growing_percent (specifies heap growing factor as (1 + heap_growing_percent/100)) type: int default: 0 --histogram_interval (time interval in ms for aggregating memory histograms) type: int default: 600000 --trace_object_groups (print object groups detected during each garbage collection) type: bool default: false --heap_profiler_trace_objects (Dump heap object allocations/movements/size_updates) type: bool default: false --sampling_heap_profiler_suppress_randomness (Use constant sample intervals to eliminate test flakiness) type: bool default: false --use_idle_notification (Use idle notification to reduce memory footprint.) type: bool default: true --use_ic (use inline caching) type: bool default: true --trace_ic (trace inline cache state transitions) type: bool default: false --native_code_counters (generate extra code for manipulating stats counters) type: bool default: false --always_compact (Perform compaction on every full GC) type: bool default: false --never_compact (Never perform compaction on full GC - testing only) type: bool default: false --compact_code_space (Compact code space on full collections) type: bool default: true --cleanup_code_caches_at_gc (Flush inline caches prior to mark compact collection and flush code caches in maps during mark compact cycle.) type: bool default: true --use_marking_progress_bar (Use a progress bar to scan large objects in increments when incremental marking is active.) type: bool default: true --zap_code_space (Zap free memory in code space with 0xCC while sweeping.) type: bool default: false --random_seed (Default seed for initializing random generator (0, the default, means to use system random).) type: int default: 0 --trace_weak_arrays (Trace WeakFixedArray usage) type: bool default: false --track_prototype_users (Keep track of which maps refer to a given prototype object) type: bool default: false --trace_prototype_users (Trace updates to prototype user tracking) type: bool default: false --eliminate_prototype_chain_checks (Collapse prototype chain checks into single-cell checks) type: bool default: true --use_verbose_printer (allows verbose printing) type: bool default: true --trace_for_in_enumerate (Trace for-in enumerate slow-paths) type: bool default: false --allow_natives_syntax (allow natives syntax) type: bool default: false --trace_parse (trace parsing and preparsing) type: bool default: false --trace_sim (Trace simulator execution) type: bool default: false --debug_sim (Enable debugging the simulator) type: bool default: false --check_icache (Check icache flushes in ARM and MIPS simulator) type: bool default: false --stop_sim_at (Simulator stop after x number of instructions) type: int default: 0 --sim_stack_alignment (Stack alingment in bytes in simulator (4 or 8, 8 is default)) type: int default: 8 --sim_stack_size (Stack size of the ARM64, MIPS64 and PPC64 simulator in kBytes (default is 2 MB)) type: int default: 2048 --log_regs_modified (When logging register values, only print modified registers.) type: bool default: true --log_colour (When logging, try to use coloured output.) type: bool default: true --ignore_asm_unimplemented_break (Don't break for ASM_UNIMPLEMENTED_BREAK macros.) type: bool default: false --trace_sim_messages (Trace simulator debug messages. Implied by --trace-sim.) type: bool default: false --stack_trace_on_illegal (print stack trace when an illegal exception is thrown) type: bool default: false --abort_on_uncaught_exception (abort program (dump core) when an uncaught exception is thrown) type: bool default: false --randomize_hashes (randomize hashes to avoid predictable hash collisions (with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in seed)) type: bool default: true --hash_seed (Fixed seed to use to hash property keys (0 means random)(with snapshots this option cannot override the baked-in seed)) type: int default: 0 --runtime_call_stats (report runtime call counts and times) type: bool default: false --profile_deserialization (Print the time it takes to deserialize the snapshot.) type: bool default: false --serialization_statistics (Collect statistics on serialized objects.) type: bool default: false --regexp_optimization (generate optimized regexp code) type: bool default: true --testing_bool_flag (testing_bool_flag) type: bool default: true --testing_maybe_bool_flag (testing_maybe_bool_flag) type: maybe_bool default: unset --testing_int_flag (testing_int_flag) type: int default: 13 --testing_float_flag (float-flag) type: float default: 2.5 --testing_string_flag (string-flag) type: string default: Hello, world! --testing_prng_seed (Seed used for threading test randomness) type: int default: 42 --testing_serialization_file (file in which to serialize heap) type: string default: /tmp/serdes --startup_src (Write V8 startup as C++ src. (mksnapshot only)) type: string default: NULL --startup_blob (Write V8 startup blob file. (mksnapshot only)) type: string default: NULL --profile_hydrogen_code_stub_compilation (Print the time it takes to lazily compile hydrogen code stubs.) type: bool default: false --predictable (enable predictable mode) type: bool default: false --force_marking_deque_overflows (force overflows of marking deque by reducing it's size to 64 words) type: bool default: false --stress_compaction (stress the GC compactor to flush out bugs (implies --force_marking_deque_overflows)) type: bool default: false --manual_evacuation_candidates_selection (Test mode only flag. It allows an unit test to select evacuation candidates pages (requires --stress_compaction).) type: bool default: false --external_allocation_limit_incremental_time (Time spent in incremental marking steps (in ms) once the external allocation limit is reached) type: int default: 1 --disable_old_api_accessors (Disable old-style API accessors whose setters trigger through the prototype chain) type: bool default: false --help (Print usage message, including flags, on console) type: bool default: true --dump_counters (Dump counters on exit) type: bool default: false --map_counters (Map counters to a file) type: string default: --js_arguments (Pass all remaining arguments to the script. Alias for "--".) type: arguments default: --log (Minimal logging (no API, code, GC, suspect, or handles samples).) type: bool default: false --log_all (Log all events to the log file.) type: bool default: false --log_api (Log API events to the log file.) type: bool default: false --log_code (Log code events to the log file without profiling.) type: bool default: false --log_gc (Log heap samples on garbage collection for the hp2ps tool.) type: bool default: false --log_handles (Log global handle events.) type: bool default: false --log_suspect (Log suspect operations.) type: bool default: false --prof (Log statistical profiling information (implies --log-code).) type: bool default: false --prof_cpp (Like --prof, but ignore generated code.) type: bool default: false --prof_browser_mode (Used with --prof, turns on browser-compatible mode for profiling.) type: bool default: true --log_regexp (Log regular expression execution.) type: bool default: false --logfile (Specify the name of the log file.) type: string default: v8.log --logfile_per_isolate (Separate log files for each isolate.) type: bool default: true --ll_prof (Enable low-level linux profiler.) type: bool default: false --perf_basic_prof (Enable perf linux profiler (basic support).) type: bool default: false --perf_basic_prof_only_functions (Only report function code ranges to perf (i.e. no stubs).) type: bool default: false --perf_prof (Enable perf linux profiler (experimental annotate support).) type: bool default: false --perf_prof_debug_info (Enable debug info for perf linux profiler (experimental).) type: bool default: false --gc_fake_mmap (Specify the name of the file for fake gc mmap used in ll_prof) type: string default: /tmp/__v8_gc__ --log_internal_timer_events (Time internal events.) type: bool default: false --log_timer_events (Time events including external callbacks.) type: bool default: false --log_instruction_stats (Log AArch64 instruction statistics.) type: bool default: false --log_instruction_file (AArch64 instruction statistics log file.) type: string default: arm64_inst.csv --log_instruction_period (AArch64 instruction statistics logging period.) type: int default: 4194304 --redirect_code_traces (output deopt information and disassembly into file code--.asm) type: bool default: false --redirect_code_traces_to (output deopt information and disassembly into the given file) type: string default: NULL --hydrogen_track_positions (track source code positions when building IR) type: bool default: false --trace_elements_transitions (trace elements transitions) type: bool default: false --trace_creation_allocation_sites (trace the creation of allocation sites) type: bool default: false --print_code_stubs (print code stubs) type: bool default: false --test_secondary_stub_cache (test secondary stub cache by disabling the primary one) type: bool default: false --test_primary_stub_cache (test primary stub cache by disabling the secondary one) type: bool default: false --print_code (print generated code) type: bool default: false --print_opt_code (print optimized code) type: bool default: false --print_unopt_code (print unoptimized code before printing optimized code based on it) type: bool default: false --print_code_verbose (print more information for code) type: bool default: false --print_builtin_code (print generated code for builtins) type: bool default: false --sodium (print generated code output suitable for use with the Sodium code viewer) type: bool default: false --print_all_code (enable all flags related to printing code) type: bool default: false ```

I could probably use grep etc, to parse it, but again, don't want to have to spawn a child process to get it. _(edited by @vsemozhetbyt: fold a long text)_
vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

cc @nodejs/v8

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

thanks for the edit, much better, how did you do that? :)

I am hoping there might be some hidden data on process that is basically process.acceptableNodeExecArgs, but maybe there isn't.

bnoordhuis commented 7 years ago

Node doesn't know what --v8-options is going to print, that's handled by V8 itself. You have no choice but to parse it.

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@bnoordhuis got it, thanks, good to know

vsemozhetbyt commented 7 years ago

@ORESoftware You can look in the code, just click the 'Edit comment' button :)

And you can save in the saved replies this code if you need (just delete \ before 3 backticks):

<summary>Label (click me):</summary>


ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@vsemozhetbyt nice thx

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@bnoordhuis one more question for you, just out of curiosity, are all node.js execArgv options go towards V8? In other words, are V8 options and execArgv completely synonymous?

bnoordhuis commented 7 years ago

No, execArgv are basically the raw arguments up until the script name. E.g., if you pass --inspect to node, that ends up in execArgv.

refack commented 7 years ago

Might help you to know that the API is available as JSON for every version - latest - latest-v6.x

ORESoftware commented 7 years ago

@refack thanks, good to know.

@bnoordhuis sorry that question wasn't very good, but you've answered it well enough thx