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IRC Moderation Policy #138

Closed nebrius closed 6 years ago

nebrius commented 8 years ago


To draft a proposal for an IRC moderation policy. The Node.js IRC channel is considered an official communication of the Node.js project, and so the Code of Conduct for Node.js applies there. The current moderation policy is specific to GitHub interactions, leaving the IRC channel in a bit of a gray area.

We should create a moderation policy that is tailored for IRC and takes into account the way IRC is used and what moderation abilities IRC provides. This policy will ultimately live under the TSC repository.


This issue is specific to the moderation policy for IRC, not GitHub or other communication mediums. This issue is also about crafting policy. It may be helpful to discuss specific incidents, but we should take care to only discuss incidents that occurred on IRC and to make sure we don't discuss any confidential or sensitive information.

Some off topic examples include, but are not limited to:

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

Assigning since this ought to be my responsibility.

There is some previous art (which is what the irc channels point to at the current time), notably:

This policy needs to specific to IRC as there are many nuances for IRC not found elsewhere.

An example would be how to ban people, since there are multiple ways of doing that. Also, needs some guidelines on who OPs are and what the proper OP +flags are on freenode.

Another example, people sometimes need to be timed out (temp banned) if their connection is really bad, otherwise it will spam the channel with join/leave messages. This is very IRC specific.

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

Ok uh, I'm probably not going to effectively get around to this for a while. I'm happy to give pointers to and answer any questions for anyone that wants to take it over though.

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

even a rough draft would be useful, forget who is or isn't OPs for now.

MylesBorins commented 8 years ago

I'm up for taking this over if you are cool with it @Fishrock123 I'll break some ground tomorrow

Fishrock123 commented 8 years ago

Sure. My suggestion would be to take Isaac's trolling policy and work up from there, or, that was my plan anyways.

MylesBorins commented 8 years ago

I can't assign this to myself as I'm not in the wg... but I submitted an application

ivan-vilches commented 8 years ago

(Edited by @Fishrock123: This is not the place, email us a follow up if you'd really like to continue.)

Yes i was banned for say that moderator no need to be aggressive , Jeremiah Senkpiel send me this : Please read though -- the "official" rules for that channel are listed there. Well , there is and Both appeal to me, the only i want is manners for users, and avoid abuses from part of moderators, i have like 23 years around of the open source world and never seen that, still now i am banned, just for say to a moderator he does not need to be aggressive with another user, he claim sometimes is necessary , i am not agree with that, after that, konobi other moderator when i talk about i reported, they said they have the final word. So if they are no respecting the users and nobody do nothing why, that channel is on the official page of a node , where node is part of the linux foundation : "The Linux Foundation protects and promotes the ideals of freedom and generous collaboration established through the development of Linux, and shares these ideals to power any endeavor aiming to make the future a better place in which to live." So what i learned, when i saw some guy abusing of other guy should i shut my mouth? This is how we are trying to "make the future a better place in which to live." ? Thanks you.