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Bridging the gap between JavaScript platforms (Beijing) #42

Closed flaki closed 8 years ago

flaki commented 8 years ago

JavaScript being/running/powering devices everywhere is not particularly news to anyone working on the web these days. But JavaScript engines are are so diverse as the web community itself, and then we haven't even talked about the APIs that give these JS runtimes their true power - whether it's accessing hardware or sensors, enabling platform support or just simply boosting performance.

I've been exploring these differences lately, and possibilities for bridging them in userland, via API translations, transpiling & more intricate ways, to enable users to use the vast JS ecosystem (Web APIs, node, npm) over a broader range of targets.

A few examples/keywords: node.js API translation for Firefox OS (b2g) devices, cross-platform hardware APIs for IoT devices (Tessel, ESP2866), HTML Canvas API on Arduino OLED displays etc.

This is meant to be an inspiring talk for experimenting and hacking, with lots of demos! :blush: