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Component-Based Content Rendering in Node.js #72

Closed machellerogden closed 8 years ago

machellerogden commented 8 years ago

If there are any presenter spots still available, I'd be interested in talking about the component-based page rendering platform we've developed at It's normally a 45 minute talk, but I would be able to present a pruned down 20 minute version. Talk title and description along with a short bio below.


Component-Based Content Rendering with WindshieldJS

Rendering HTML is one of the simpler tasks you can do with Node.js, right? Think again. With a large pool of contributors developing on the platform, maintaining and enforcing a component-based approach with flexible data sourcing and modeling is critical. Get a high-level overview of’s new rendering platform and learn how its design enables them to deliver product faster than ever.


Mac is a polyglot software engineer with a love for good beer, good stories and colorful socks. Mac has over 15 years of experience developing for the web and is most recently focused on enterprise-scale Node.js development and Docker.