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Would Like to Bring Node Live/Node Together to Austin, TX, USA #76

Open cdnadmin opened 8 years ago

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago

Hi, y'all,

I am a node/javascript web dev in the Austin, TX, USA area. I also founded (ca 2014) and run the Austin MEAN Stack Dev meetup. I've been trying to get more and more involved with the Node community. As such, I'd like to spearhead an effort to bring Node Live and Node Together to the Austin, TX area.

Please let me know if this is possible and what I need to do to get this underway!

Looking forward to it!

/cc @ashleygwilliams

ashleygwilliams commented 8 years ago

hi @cdnadmin ! Node Interactive will be in Austin this december and I plan on doing a NodeTogether there. I am currently onboarding some new organizers, could I have them reach out to you later next week?

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago

hi, @ashleygwilliams , yes, of course! ...and yes, I already have my Node Interactive ticket :-)

Incidentally, I might actually know some of the NT organizers that you are onboarding here. But, please, yes have them reach out to me.

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago

@ashleygwilliams, I'm looking forward to hearing from local organizers. 👍

/cc @hackygolucky

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago

hi, @ashleygwilliams

I never hear back from anyone :-(

@mikeal, @hackygolucky, any ideas?

Would love to be involved in this! :-D

ashleygwilliams commented 8 years ago

hi! sorry- we're in the thick of planning our london event. i've just reached out to the NodeTogether events team and we'll have reach out to you shortly! is there an email they can reach you at?

patriciarealini commented 8 years ago

Hi @cdnadmin! My name is Patricia & I'm reaching out on behalf of Node Together's events team. With the date quickly approaching I'd love to chat in detail about how we can make this happen. Please email me at and let's get the ball rolling!

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago

Thx, @ashleygwilliams, @patriciarealini Will be emailing here in a bit.

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago

i am now working with patricia on nodetogether! 👍

but, @mikeal, @ashleygwilliams, whom do I contact to bring Node.js Live to Austin, TX? We have Node Interactive already this coming Fall 2016, but, I wanted to see about potentially bringing Node.js Live here next year some time. Thoughts?

mikeal commented 8 years ago

@cdnadmin we aren't doing a Node.js Live there because we are doing Node.js Interactive :)

cdnadmin commented 8 years ago


@cdnadmin we aren't doing a Node.js Live there because we are doing Node.js Interactive :)

agree; but, what about next year tho? :-)

hackygolucky commented 7 years ago

@cdnadmin We're happy to put it on the list of cities we're considering for 2017. We'll be selecting those cities in the next month or two and presenting our argument to the Board for final approval(budget is a thing).

As for Austin overall, we'd love to be able to see a NodeSchool in Austin during Node Interactive and have been talking about doing one with the organizer there, so that would be a great way for you to be involved(mentoring/organizing), along with attending the Collaboration Summit that is part of the whole NI week.

cdnadmin commented 7 years ago


As for Austin overall, we'd love to be able to see a NodeSchool in Austin during Node Interactive and have been talking about doing one with the organizer there, so that would be a great way for you to be involved(mentoring/organizing), along with attending the Collaboration Summit that is part of the whole NI week.

would it be too much having NodeTogether AND NodeSchool event around the NI conference? I've already been working on venues etc for NodeTogether (w/Patricia) the past several weeks.