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Node.js Live Talk Proposal: Washington #84

Open RichardLitt opened 7 years ago

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago


Standardizing Readmes for great good


If no one downloads or uses your npm module, you might need better documentation. Your is the first access point for your code: I'll talk about how to use the standard-readme specification to make sure your readmes are high quality, and how the spec (which I developed) is already being used by over a hundred repositories to stop bikeshedding and save time. I'll demo a standard-readme generator and a linter, to help you write your readme. I'll also show how search can be improved by grabbing terms from the description and background, and highlight a bunch of cool ways having standard readme benefits the community as a whole.


Richard Littauer is a member of Protocol Labs, busy building a better, decentralized, and permanent internet. He is dedicated to community infrastructure, and has run several NodeSchools in the developing and development world, spoken at meetups from New York to Svalbard, and spends a lot of this time making sure that docs are maintained and relevant. He likes books a lot, too.

RichardLitt commented 7 years ago

Repurposed for Washington DC in October, as Boston CFP appears to be closed.

hackygolucky commented 7 years ago

This sounds perfect, @RichardLitt Would love to have you speak in DC!