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Boston: Secure Node.js Infrastructure #85

Open sabinthomas opened 7 years ago

sabinthomas commented 7 years ago

Title Secure Node.js Infrastructure

Abstract At Codiscope, we place a heavy emphasis on security that performs. In building our architecture on Node.js we went through a few iterations of build it, test it, tear it apart, and build it again. In this talk, I hope to share insight from our early steps in architecting a highly scalable, fault tolerant and secure code analysis platform on the Node.js stack. We will cover approaches to meticulous evaluation of PaaS vendors, how to implement data isolation strategies in common Node.js data stores, encryption key rotation and storage strategies, secure dependency deployment strategies, Node.js container orchestration: Dos and Donts and finally Node.js container security: Dos and Donts.

Bio Sabin Thomas is the VP of Engineering at Codiscope. Sabin directs all the engineering, devOps, support and quality efforts for innovative products that help developers build and secure code faster. He has over a decade of experience in managing and architecting high throughput transactional systems in Enterprise software, eCommerce, Search, Advertising and Developer Tools. Sabin holds an M.S in Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Sabin is a huge proponent of Node.js.

hackygolucky commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your submission, Sabin. We had a really tough selection round due to an excellent quality of submissions, and we've wrapped up acceptances. I hope you'll be able to join us at the event in DC.