nodejs / next-10

Repository for discussion on strategic directions for next 10 years of Node.js
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Create Communications Channel to JS Newsletters/Periodicals #110

Open bmeck opened 2 years ago

bmeck commented 2 years ago

We should be able to announce requests for feedback / important announcements / specific online efforts so that these periodicals have a little easier time seeing things and potentially having a way to expose more people to events in the org.

The outlets include examples such as (comment to add more):

We could also figure out how to send emails via the org email to avoid spam filters.

sheplu commented 2 years ago

should we also think about a good way to communicate through articles more often ? an easy way (maybe bi monthly or monthly) to provide feedback on the work done by the teams

mhdawson commented 2 years ago

@mhdawson and @joesepi will take an action to reach out to Node and JS Weekly.

mhdawson commented 2 years ago

PR to doc how the OpenJS Foundation will support this -

sheplu commented 2 years ago

i see this is moving in the good way

but should we also plan to post some things directly ? if i remember correctly one of the target was to work/insensitive company to use Node.js. Having our own way to communicate would be a good sign - or at least share the changes all WG are doing. maybe not the same content but something a bit more easy to read yet showing we are active

I doubt CxO will be reading Node Weekly to keep track.

mhdawson commented 2 years ago

@sheplu this is not meant to replace other communication channels, just leverage another one that is already targetting/building a Node.js audience.

sheplu commented 1 year ago

Following up on this topic it seems the repository is now archived.

I think on top of the JS newsletter it would be great to try to push this effort / initiative for the next year (it seems also that we do have new WG being created recently - like SEA and Performances).

Do you know what would be the good place to ask about this tweet calendar bot @mhdawson ?

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@kyliewd can you help with that?

kyliewd commented 1 year ago

hi! i can help. can you please provide any information you'd like me to include in the tweet? this will help me accurately get this out each time! thank you.

sheplu commented 1 year ago

The main idea was to raise awareness about the Working Groups and have more people joining us. So maybe a weekly tweet about the meeting planned with a small introduction and like of the zoom / github repos / github issue ? I don't know what could be done by a bot easily ?

It could also be a daily tweet with the daily meeting ?

I am not sure what could be the easiest way to communicate about that ? I opened another issue specific to this topic but I cannot tag you there @kyliewd

kyliewd commented 1 year ago

Hi there - I will comment on the other issue regarding this. Thanks!

mcollina commented 1 year ago

What a few people were curious about are:

  1. what are important PRs being worked on at the minutes
  2. what are the WGs up to?
  3. what is coming in the future?
  4. how can they help/participate

The problem is syndicating all that info into a "summary" and delivering it every week. It's a lot of work also, but maybe it could be feasible?

sheplu commented 1 year ago

What would you think of having some articles about how the Node.js project is working, and presenting all the WG during the year and having an article ? Maybe one a month to really explain the purpose of each WG...

On another track we cal also try to curate a list of all big features (maybe a part from the Next-10 and other from all WG). This could be done - with also the work done - on a monthly basis

But with this work it seems to me a lot like recreating the CommCom

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@mcollina I think you you suggest would be interesting but as you say a lot of work. I think starting with something low cost (ie low work) makes sense. A weekly tweet/reminder of upcoming workgroup meetings would help raise the profile of the work already going on and might bring more involvement. It should be pretty low effort to look at the calendar and put that together. If that goes well we could see what more can be easily added.

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

We discussed an alternative approach to this as its seems like the Foundation won't have resources to help in the forseable future:

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

Issue created in TSC repo to get feedback on alternate approach -

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

PR created to document in node core repo -

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

PR landed next step is to promote to working groups/teams

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

Created these issues to make sure we close on the Diagnostic team and the Security team

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

Emailed what I believe are the publishers of

With variations on:

The Node.js Next-10 team is working to get more visibility of project related news as outlined in

The goal is to build a low overhead way for teams across the project to share news and for publishers to find/publish what they find interesting.

The next-10 team is still onboarding project teams( and I expect that the amount of news posted will slowly ramp up over time.

I believe you are one of the publishers of XXX and I wanted to give you a heads up in case you are interested in periodically checking out the updates as potential content.

If you have any questions please let me know.
mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@kyliewd as an FYI mentioning you on this issue as well in case the Foundation wants to help publicise the project news shared through the effort as well. You can read more in on how to find the news shared.

sheplu commented 1 year ago

Performance: Next-10: Single-Executable:

I will also open the PR here:

peterc commented 1 year ago

(Hi, I'm the lead editor on both JavaScript Weekly and Node Weekly.) I agree with an earlier commenter who implied that the Node project would do well to publish its own news somewhere in order to have more reach. I would rather link to a post on the official Node blog than stitch together a story from bits and pieces on GitHub, if possible, because readers prefer that sort of more easily digested information too.

There may be other discussions about this, so apologies if I'm repeating anything that's already been discussed, but I think you should also consider how you work with the folks writing for publications like LWN, The New Stack, and InfoQ. We frequently link to these sources and their journalistic approach works quite well in getting news out to a broader audience like the CxOs @sheplu mentioned above. The New Stack, in particular, seems to be going quite heavy on JavaScript recently, so perhaps this backchannel is already open.

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@peterc thanks for chiming in. I can understand that something already written up is easier to consume, but that requires some volunteer who wil do that writeup which is why we are experimenting with at least making the news easier to share/discover.

@UlisesGascon is doing a great job on a tool that will generate an RSS feed that consolidates the info without adding to the overhead on collaborators to report it in and its just about ready to share more broadly.

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

In terms of the LWN, The New Stack, and InfoQ its a good idea to reach out to them as well to share the work so far.

UlisesGascon commented 7 months ago

I just created a PR to render the feed as a website Feedback super welcome 🎉

mhdawson commented 3 weeks ago

We have the communication channel in place, but remaining issue to is to incentivise people to generate content.

Closing this issue we can possibly open a new issue to encourage people to generate content.