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Metadata Proposal for Docs #166

Open ovflowd opened 1 year ago

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

FYI: This Description is Outdated! (Need update)

As discussed in our Collaborator Summit 2022 edition, we discussed a series of proposals within the current way we structure the metadata of our API docs. This proposal will eventually deprecate specific proposed changes here.

Within this issue, we will adhere to naming the proposal as an "API metadata proposal" for all further references.

The API Metadata Proposal

Proposal Demo:


What is this proposal about? Our API docs currently face a few issues varying from maintainability and organization to the extra tooling required to make it work. These are namely the following:

There are many other issues within the current API docs, from non-standard conventions to ensure that rules are appropriately made, from maintaining those files to creating sustainable docs that are inclusive for newcomers and well detailed.

The Proposal

This proposal, at its core, boils down to 4 simple changes:

Re-structuring the existing file directory

In this proposal, the tree of files gets updated by adopting a node approach (pun intended) for how we structure the files of our API docs and how we name them.

Notably, these are the significant changes:

Accomplishing this change

This can be quickly done by an automated script that will break down files and generate files. Using a script for tree shaking and creating this node approach would, in the best scenarios, work for all the current files existing on our doc/api and, worst case scenario 98% of the files, based on the consistency of adoption and how modules are following these patterns.

Extracting the metadata

As mentioned before, the Markdown files should be clean from the actual Metadata, only containing the Description, Introduction (when needed), Examples (both for CJS and MJS) and more in-depth details of when this class/method should be used, and external references that might be useful.

Extracting the metadata allows our contributors and maintainers to focus on writing quality documentation and not get lost in the specificities of the metadata.

What happens with the extracted metadata?

It will be added to a dedicated YAML file containing all the metadata of a particular class, for example. (We created a new tooling infrastructure that would facilitate this on being done here.

The metadata structure will be explained in another section below.

The extraction and categorization process can be automated for all modules and classes, reducing (and erasing) the manual work needed to adopt this proposal.

Enforcing the Adoption of best practices

The actual content of the Markdown files will be "enforced" for Documentation reviewers and WGs for specific Node.js parts, possibly by the adoption of this PR.

The Metadata (YAML) schema

Similarly to the existing YAML schema, it would namely be structured as this:

name: 'api/modules/crypto/certificate'
source: "lib/crypto.js"
stability: stable
  - "certificates"
  - "digital certificates"
  - type: added
    versions: [v0.11.8]
  - name: exportChallenge
    stability: deprecated
    static: true
      - type: added
        versions: [v9.0.0]
        pullRequest: ""
        details: "crypto.certificate.method.exportChallenge.history.[0].details"
      - name: spkac
        optional: false
          - String
          - ArrayBuffer
          - Buffer
          - TypedArray
          - DataView
      - name: encoding
        details: "crypto.certificate.method.exportChallenge.params.[1].details"
        optional: true
          - String
          - "UTF-8"
      - type: Buffer
        details: "crypto.certificate.method.exportChallenge.returns.[0].details"
  - name: S_IXUSR
    import: "fs.constants.S_IXUSR"

The structure above allows easily to structure and organise the metadata of each method available within a Class and quickly describe the types, return types, parameters and history of a method, Class, or anything related.

I18n and ICU on YAML files

The structure is also I18N friendly, as precise text details that should not be defined within the Markdown file can be easily referenced using the ICU format. These details can be accessed on files that match the same level of a specific module. For the example above, for example, doc/api/modules/node/fs/promises.en.i18n.json contains entries that follow the ICU format such as:

  "fs.promises.tags": ["writing files", "creating files", "file systems"],
  "fs.promises.method.lchmod.returns.[0].details": "The lchmod method returns a Boolean when specific parameters are ....",

Specification Table

The table below demonstrates the entire length of the proposed YAML schema.

Note.: All the properties of type Enum will have their possible values discussed in the future, as this is just a high-level specification proposal.

Top Level Properties

Field Optional Type Description
name No String The Heading ID identifier for that module, should usually be the path of module on the doc folder.
import No String The canonical import of the module (i.e. the string used to import this class/module). This will generate on CJS/MJS imports usages
stability No Enum The Stability of a given module. It follows the widely adopted "Stability Index" from our existing docs.
tags Yes Lang ID A translation ID for tags used to identify or help users to find this method with Search engines.
history Yes Array<History> An array of history entries to decorate the notable historical changes of that module
methods Yes Array<Method> The methods of that class/module
constants Yes Array<Constant> If the Language is enabled and currently supported by the website. It should only be enabled if both the I18n team and team agrees that sufficient content for that page was translated.
source Yes String The path to the source of that class/module


Field Optional Type Description
type No Enum The type of the change
pullRequest Yes String An optional Pull Request for the related landed change
issue Yes String An optional Issue link for the related landed change
details Yes Lang ID A translation ID for extra short details of that change. Actual details should usually link to a PR or Issue
versions Yes Array<String> An array containing the versions this change impacted initially
when Yes String A date string following the ISO-8601 (


Field Optional Type Description
name No String The Heading ID identifier for the method. It should also reflect to the actual name that is imported
stability No Enum The Stability of a given module. It follows the widely adopted "Stability Index" from our existing docs.
tags Yes Lang ID A translation ID for tags used to identify or help users to find this method with Search engines
history Yes Array<History> An array of history entries to decorate the notable historical changes of that method
returns No Array<ReturnType\|Enum> An array containing the return types of the method
params Yes Array<MethodParam> An array containing the parameters of the method


Field Optional Type Description
name No String The name of the parameter of the method
optional No Boolean If the parameter is optional or not
defaults Yes Array<ParameterDefault> An array containing the default values of the Parameter
types No Array<ParameterType\|Enum> An array containing the types of the Parameter

ReturnType, ParameterType, ParameterDefault

Field Optional Type Description
details Yes Lang ID A Translation ID for the details of this return type
type No Enum The type of the return type

Incorporating the Metadata within the Markdown files

As each Class has numerous methods (possibly constants) and more, the parser needs to know where to attach the data within the final generated result when, for example, building for the web.

This would be quickly done by using Markdown compatible Heading IDs

# File Systems {#api/modules/node/fs/promises}

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Quisque non tellus orci ac. Maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est velit egestas. Placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed euismod. Egestas maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo urna molestie at. Ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean. Sodales ut etiam sit amet nisl purus in. Nunc pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada. Pulvinar neque laoreet suspendisse interdum. Lectus proin nibh nisl condimentum id. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac. Nulla porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum morbi.

## Method: LCHMOD {#lchmod}

Curabitur gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim convallis. Urna id volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur. Sem integer vitae justo eget. Amet purus gravida quis blandit. Posuere urna nec tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh sed pulvinar. Nunc eget lorem dolor sed viverra ipsum nunc. Dignissim cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat. Maecenas pharetra convallis posuere morbi leo. Volutpat lacus laoreet non curabitur gravida arcu. Leo a diam sollicitudin tempor id.


The parser would map the Heading IDs to each YAML entry's name fields to the associated Heading ID. Allowing you to write the Heading as you wish by still keeping the Heading ID intact.

Naming for Markdown files

To ensure that we have a 1:1 mapping between YAML and Markdown, the Markdown files should reside in the same folder as the YAML ones and have the same name, the only difference being the Markdown files have the .md extension in lowercase. They're suffixed by their languages e.g.

Note.: By default, the Markdown files will default to extension.

The Build Process

Generating the final result in a tangible readable format for Humans and IDE's is no easy feat.

The new tooling build process would consist of two different outputs:

Example of the file structure

An essential factor in easing the visualization of how this proposal would change the current folder structure is to show an example of how it would look with all the changes applied. The snippet below is an illustration of how it would look.

Note.: The root directory below would be doc/api.

├── api
│   ├──
│   ├── documentation.en.content.mdx
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── fs
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── index.metadata.yml
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── promises.metadata.yml
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   └── ...
│   │   ├── streams
│   │   ├── crypto
│   │   │   ├──
│   │   │   ├── webcyrpto.metadata.yml
│   │   │   ├── webcyrpto.en.i18n.json
│   │   │   └──
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── globals
│   ├── others
│   ├──
│   └── ...
└── ...

The Navigation (Markdown) Schema

Navigating through the API docs is as essential as displaying the content correctly. The idea here is to allow each module to define its Navigation entries and then generate the whole Navigation by aggregating all the navigation files.

Book of Rules for the Navigation System

Note.: The Navigation source would be on Markdown, using a Markdown List format with a maximum of X-indentation levels.

The Schema of Navigation

The code snippet below shows all examples of the Schema and how it would be generated in the end.

File: doc/api/v18/

* [About this Documentation](
* [Modules](modules/
* Some Header
  * Sub-Levels Supported
    * To a certain-max-level
    * [An External Link](

File: doc/api/v18/modules/

* [File System](fs/
* [Streams](streams/

File: doc/api/v18/modules/fs/

* [About File Systems](
* [File System Promises](
* ....

Example output in Markdown

* [About this Documentation](
* Modules
  * File System
    * [About File Systems](
    * [File System Promises](
  * Streams
    * ....
* Some Header
  * Sub-Levels Supported
    * To a certain-max-level
    * [An External Link](

It is essential to mention that the final output of the Navigation would be Markdown and can be used by the build tools to either generate an output on MDX or plain HTML or JSON.


As explained before, the proposal has several benefits and would significantly add to our Codebase. Knowing that the benefits vary from tooling, build process, maintainability, adoption, ease of documentation, translations, and even more, this proposal is faded to succeed! Also, all the items explained here can be automated, ensuring a smooth transition process.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

cc @mhdawson @nodejs/next-10 @Trott

Trott commented 1 year ago

@nodejs/tsc @nodejs/documentation

Trott commented 1 year ago

We'll need to make sure this process doesn't add any work for releasers. (I don't think it would, but writing it here just in case.)

This will also be a good opportunity hopefully to fix our version picker quirks, at least for future versions of Node.js.

Trott commented 1 year ago

I like this a lot, although of course we'll see what kinds of unforeseen practical problems (if any) arise in the course of implementation.

I wonder if 20.x and forward is more realistic than 18.x and forward. I wouldn't complain if we got this working sooner than 20.x though.

Can we try to determine which parts of this can be done incrementally and which need to happen all-at-once? I'm trying to understand how many steps are involved here. (And if it's one big step, that's OK, but of course we'll want to automate everything because keeping the docs in synch with the current version will be an annoying problem otherwise.)

Trott commented 1 year ago

Is the idea that this would work on the current as well as on or is the vision here that the tech/build stack replaces what's on and that's a prerequisite for this to work?

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Is the idea that this would work on the current as well as on or is the vision here that the tech/build stack replaces what's on and that's a prerequisite for this to work?

In theory, it could also work on, as if we enter the topic of "The build process" if we outsource the tooling created on the repo (which should be pretty much independent of whatever static-framework stuff you use). Yes. A few tweaks would be needed, but in the end, we could reuse the HTML generation part of the existing nodejs/node/tool/doc.

For no extra steps are needed, yet, I would like to outsource the tooling.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Can we try to determine which parts of this can be done incrementally and which need to happen all-at-once? I'm trying to understand how many steps are involved here.

I foresee 4 major steps:

That's it. Basically the migration itself can be mass done safely.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

I wonder if 20.x and forward is more realistic than 18.x and forward. I wouldn't complain if we got this working sooner than 20.x though.

Indeed, I was trying to think about retroactively updating till v18, as v18 is the first version of the API docs that are the most Markdown conforming. (I'm referring to the v18 git tree, also on that tree seems like all the doc pages follow the current doc specs, at least for the metadata, hence why migrating at once would be seamless).

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Proposal Updates

I'm going to update the main proposal adding the following missing sections

sheplu commented 1 year ago

Really great proposal ! A lot of topics are covered which is really great as this give a good overview of everything that will require some work. Good choice to not address all the subjects here as it would be too long, but good thinking mentioning them here (tooling, i18n...) which will allow easily link the PR

Just a few questions:

Following @Trott comments I would agree that v20 would be the best time to have it. Will be short for the others version before that. But do we want to provide a retroactive doc for stuff before v20 ? if yes which version ? should we have all the LTS covered ?

A lot of question from my side :)

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Build process: include a way to generate the doc from source? To generate part of doc ? Generate whole doc ? Pdf too ? (Maybe better to discuss about that when we will talk about the tooling ?)

As I mentioned before, the building tools will allow you to build just a subset of files if you want. I don't think HTML, PDF and JSON generation should be part of the core of the tooling, but could be added on top of it such as:

import docTooling ....

const result docTooling.generateDocs();

return myPdfLibrary...

We could add all kinds of output generation on top, but the core tooling is responsible for creating a JavaScript object tree with the "metadata" and content aggregated. Initially, the idea is to be a JSX Buffer (MDX), but we could also just return the result into a JavaScript object with the metadata and content. And then have a plugin that generates to MDX, as, for example, we would have for HTML, PDF, JSON...

E.g. (Of the object) for the promises module:

  "promises": {
    ... all the metadata fields,
   details: "the content from the Markdown file",

Versioning doc: keep all the versions accessible on the website ? How to easily update across multiple versions ? Doc on odd version or just even ? or all ?

This is not a responsibility for this proposal.

I am not against yaml but why not have directly the json and not the yaml ? is there some technical stuff blocking us from that ? or is it DX related ?

YAML is more accessible to write than JSON and easier to read. Also less overhead on the transition period. JSON is just a JavaScript object, is not really human friendly (to a certain point) (IMHO)

maybe on the tooling part, we should add / ensure full compliance of the doc ? Way to tests if the heading Id exists for example

If it is not compliant, it wouldn't even build (give an error), but this should not be a responsibility of the tooling; it could be part of the build process by using tools such as Remark, and ESLint, for example.

aduh95 commented 1 year ago

YAML is more accessible to write than JSON and easier to read

I think that's debatable, YAML can be very hard for humans as well (e.g. multiline strings is non-intuitive, the type guessing makes it that sometimes one mistakes a string for a number, etc.). Other markup languages, such as e.g. TOML or JSON, do not have those problems. I'm not saying those are deal breakers for using YAML, or that we should not consider YAML for this use-case, but I think we should not disregard the problems of that syntax.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

l (e.g. multiline strings is non-intuitive, the type guessing makes it that sometimes one mistakes a string for a number, etc.).

Gladly that none of those apply to our schema 😛

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Other markup languages, such as e.g. TOML or JSON, do not have those problems. I'm not saying those are deal breakers for using YAML, or that we should not consider YAML for this use-case, but I think we should not disregard the syntax problems.

Every markup language has its pros-and-cons. I just personally (please take it with a grain of salt) belive that, in this case, the pros of using YAML are better.

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

Thanks for comprehensive proposal !

I think this

Example of a folder structure with all files

and will denfinitely help me understsand/consume what you are suggesting.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@mhdawson @Trott I just updated it :)

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Friendly bump for @mhdawson @Trott so we can proceed with the next steps of this proposal :D

Trott commented 1 year ago

It seems like the "move the YAML to a separate file" part can happen pretty much at any time as long as someone is willing to update the relevant tooling. Would it be beneficial to do this right away so that there's one less structural change to make the rest of this proposal happen?

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

It seems like the "move the YAML to a separate file"

Hmm, the way how the YAML is structured right now in the Markdown, it would possibly have no benefits in extracting it. At least to a certain degree the proposed YAML structure needs to be implemented.

I also think I got tasked in making a demo repository with example contents 🤔

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@ovflowd we had discussed an example of what the directory would looke like for a single API, is that what you meant about a demo repository with example contents ?

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Yup, pretty much!

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

I had a meeting with @mhdawson, and here's the execution plan for this proposal:

  1. Write a tool to convert the old doc format (the files from doc/api) to the proposal format here. This can pretty much be reused from here
    • The tooling can be updated instead of outputting an MDX file to gather the data and perform all operations to output the metadata in YAML, split the Markdown files, and create the new folder structure.
  2. Update the GitHub Actions Workflows to introduce a new linting step that always runs the new tooling in a "staging/dry-run" fashion but that breaks if anything is invalid. This is useful to enforce any new changes to the doc files to conform with the doc standards.
  3. Introduce a new core tooling for parsing the new doc file format and sub-modules (plugins) to generate output in numerous formats such as:
    • HTML (Plain HTML output to mimic current doc generation)
    • JSON (As the current JSON format)
    • MDX (For the new Website)
  4. Sniff test to check if the generated HTML files, MDX files and JSON files work correctly and test if the tooling is working.
  5. Switchover to the new docs format by making a big-bang PR (runs the converter) with all the file changes.

Original source:

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@mhdawson I'm going to proceed with the demo (example) (mentioned here very possibly during December.

sheplu commented 1 year ago

Following the discussion during the last next-10 meeting, it could be great to create another meeting / discussion channel and only keep the update during the next-10 meeting. This topic being really complexe and having a lot of impact it will take and "block" others globals topic. What do you think @ovflowd ? Also because you are leading this initiative when would be the best time for you ? (we can discuss it on slack it could be easier)

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

Once the demo is in place, I'll get a presentation to the TSC onto the TSC agenda, likely at a meeting in Jan.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@ovflowd ? Also because you are leading this initiative when would be the best time for you ? (we can discuss it on slack it could be easier)

Hmm, let's talk about this on the next Next-10 meeting so we can get in sync about this! :D

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

Ok great, but I don't see what it brings compared to the docs on except more files to manage

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Ok great, but I don't see what it brings compared to the docs on except more files to manage

I don't want to sound rude, but I think you lack the context behind this proposal 🤔

The API Docs you see on are generated through a script that processes the source API Documentation files. This proposal aims to address several long-standing issues from those files that are the source of the documentation.

And to answer your question, yes, there are more files to manage. The pros-cons are all outlined on the proposal.

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

What I meant was that if we wrote (on nodejs/node) like on wouldn't it be easier?

And you're not rude at all

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

What I meant was that if we wrote (on nodejs/node) like on wouldn't it be easier?

Nope, it wouldn't be easier at all. The current files on are "generated" ones. The meaning of generated being, that they're generated to be compatible with a technology we use called MDX. Think about them as "output of a build system". They're no improvement at all for the Developer Experience of the average contributor of Node.js

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

I didn't see it as an mdx file. So I validate your idea!

Trott commented 1 year ago

Ok great, but I don't see what it brings compared to the docs on

Anything that requires core developers to have to go to a different repo to see what doc changes will look like is a dealbreaker. Anything that requires more work for core developers to validate documentation changes than they do right now is a dealbreaker.

So, if you're suggesting "move the documentation generation process to core and then core devs can run make doc-only like they do now and see what the website will look like", then sure, that's a possibility.

But if you're suggesting that the website have a different process to generate docs than core, and that the docs on the website look different from core unless core devs take an additional step, that's not going to work.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@sheplu @mhdawson here's the repository containing an "example" of how the metadata proposal would look like

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

@nodejs/crowdin-managers What do you think of this change, how will it impact crowdin?

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@AugustinMauroy this has nothing to do with Crowdin...

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago

@ovflowd The question was to know if the structure modification will work with the Crowdin tool

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

I repeat myself, this has nothing to do with Crowdin.

Crowdin is not even used for Node.js API docs. And I don't see an easy way of implementing it, neither if we should for the time being. Also the Crowdin managers (the people you pinged) only manage the instance.

AugustinMauroy commented 1 year ago
Capture d’écran 2022-12-30 à 13 00 52

For your information nodejs have an Crowdin for Api docs but the GitHub integration was broken.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

For your information nodejs have an Crowdin for Api docs but the GitHub integration was broken.

We might have a "group" inside Crowdin, but API Docs were never integrated with Crowdin. I'm quite sure about that, but of course, I could be wrong. Still, this is off-topic @AugustinMauroy, pretty please, let's stay on-topic here.

richardlau commented 1 year ago

Has any thought been given as to how we handle the switchover/migration? In particular how this will affect porting stuff between main and any versions of Node.js on the new system and LTS/older versions of Node.js on the old one? For example, presently when we merge something into LTS the release commit from the LTS release is cherry-picked to main and that (generally) takes care of updating the "added in" metadata.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

@richardlau it was written in one of the comments:

In particular how this will affect porting stuff between main and any versions of Node.js on the new system and LTS/older versions of Node.js on the old one?

As we spoke about, including on Next-10 meetings, the metadata proposal applies only for new versions of Node.js, not going to be ported to old versions of the docs (as this is pointless).

For example, presently when we merge something into LTS the release commit from the LTS release is cherry-picked to main and that (generally) takes care of updating the "added in" metadata.

The idea is to release this proposal on the next LTS version. I'm not sure I got exactly what you're asking here, so it would be nice if you could explain it better :)

richardlau commented 1 year ago

@richardlau it was written in one of the comments: #166 (comment)

As we spoke about, including on Next-10 meetings, the metadata proposal applies only for new versions of Node.js, not going to be ported to old versions of the docs (as this is pointless).

For example, presently when we merge something into LTS the release commit from the LTS release is cherry-picked to main and that (generally) takes care of updating the "added in" metadata.

The idea is to release this proposal on the next LTS version. I'm not sure I got exactly what you're asking here, so it would be nice if you could explain it better :)

@ovflowd I mean that we frequently port things between releases and the main branch. Maybe examples will make this clearer: e.g.

If the metadata is now in different formats between the branches being picked from and to, that's extra work to convert between the formats.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Backports, e.g. This is taking commits from main and backporting them to older versions.

Well, in this case, the docs of the change on main when backported through cherry-pick will of course need a during-cherry-pick edit (like as when you do interative rebase).

It is the pain of transitioning from one standard to another and due to the docs being coupled to the commit of the change itself. I can imagine this will not be often, and as we move forward all the "backported" and "forward-ported" versions will use the new metadata proposal.

This is another reason why we want to release this together with a major semver, like v20. Yes if we need to backport or forwardport things to/from v18 we will need to edit the cherry-pick in-time, or possibly have a separate commit for the docs.

If the metadata is now in different formats between the branches being picked from and to, that's extra work to convert between the formats.

I agree, but this is a short term issue as far as I can see.

ruyadorno commented 1 year ago

@ovflowd I'm sorry but I'm afraid this might be a major blocker to the proposal (I apologize but I should have caught it during your presentation on Wednesday).

I agree, but this is a short term issue as far as I can see.

v18 would be the last LTS version containing the previous docs and it goes end of life on April 2025, granted that this proposal lands in time for v20. Unfortunately I don't believe this to be a short term issue.

I'm happy to take some time to chat about it, show how fundamental the backports are to the LTS release lines in our current release model and brainstorm ways to improve that migration story.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Hey @ruyadorno I don't think this will be an issue at all. The way I see it, is that to make backports easy and feasible the tooling that generates the docs from the old (current) API doc format to the new format (from this proposal) should be able to generate it back to the old format.

I'm thinking in something like this:

# generates from the old format to the new one making all the generated files to the out directory
node-api-tool -c node/doc/api/ -o out/ 
# generates from the new format back to the old format
node-api-tool -b -c out/module/buffers -o out_old_format/

It's just an example, but this could at least automate the backporting of the old doc format. Note that forward-porting is not an issue because the proposal initially already aims to have tooling for transforming the old format into the new one.

What do you think?

BethGriggs commented 1 year ago

I believe the workflow we need to preserve for backporting is the ability to git cherry-pick any commit that touches documentation on main back to prior release lines. We rely on automation and scripts that do this for us. If the proposal results in us hitting a conflict each time we backport a documentation change from main, and have to manually apply the diff to a different file in the tree, that would be a significant amount of added work for releasers. With potentially ~150 commits per current release, many would touch documentation (particularly the semver minors), so it's a lot of effort to manually apply those changes. And as @RuyAdorno mentions, that divergence would need to be handled until the EOL of Node.js 18.

(Sorry, my understanding is limited, but I believe changing the directory structure would impact our ability to git cherry-pick back from main cleanly.)

From the little I've dug in the proposal brings some great benefits (appreciate your efforts @ovflowd!).

Perhaps there's some Git magic/mapping or automation we can create to mitigate that in our tooling, but we'd need to prove it out and have it ready to go. An alternative may(?) be to manually backport/land the proposed new structure to all active release lines at time same time... but that would involve a lot of additional efforts and coordination.

ovflowd commented 1 year ago

Perhaps there's some Git magic/mapping or automation we can create to mitigate that in our tooling, but we'd need to prove it out and have it ready to go. An alternative may(?) be to manually backport/land the proposed new structure to all active release lines at time same time... but that would involve a lot of additional efforts and coordination.

Well, thanks for your insights! Really Appreciate it. Here are some ideas we can try to plan out:

Let me know what you think :)

BethGriggs commented 1 year ago
  • I believe that migrating previous versions of Node.js API docs to the new format can be done, but it depends on how much back we want to go with backporting the changes. Afaik, v16 is the minimum version where all the API Markdown files consistently follow the current (old) format. v14 already has files not following the format, and things get messier the further we go back.

I was just thinking about the timelines, this may be a reasonable option. At the point when Node.js 20 is released the release lines may be in a state where it's managable to only backport the proposal to Node.js 18:

Maintenance releases are typically very small (10-20 commits), so it might be a manageable amount of work to handle the divergence for Node.js 16 for the 5 months until it's EOL in September 2022. Perhaps backporting this proposal only as far back as Node.js 18 is a feasible option.

  • If we don't want to migrate older versions, we can still add the "cli" tool I mentioned to the backporting workflow. If we have a workflow that backports docs files, we can inside this (bash script? js script?) make it execute the CLI while doing an interactive cherry-picking, which means, of course, the original commit hash for the cherry-pick will differ, but it would require 0 manual work).

I think I'd need to think about this in more detail and maybe trial it out, but yeah, something like this may work so long as we can keep a handle on the individual/logical commits.

(cc: @nodejs/releasers, perhaps @targos has thoughts)

richardlau commented 1 year ago

I agree that we'll need a solution for Node.js 18, and could possibly manage without one for the remainder of Node.js 16 (assuming the change lands for Node.js 20).

targos commented 1 year ago

I think the best would be to backport the refactor to Node.js 18 (not necessarily at the same time as v20, but we should schedule a release for it). I agree that we don't have to care too much about v14 and v16.