nodejs / next-10

Repository for discussion on strategic directions for next 10 years of Node.js
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Next-10 Serverless Deep Dive #200

Closed sheplu closed 1 year ago

sheplu commented 1 year ago

Meeting info

Date and Time: June 22 from 10-12 ET, 14-16 GMT

Who should attend: Anybody with an interest in running Node.js in a serverless environment or ensuring that people who run Node.js in serverless environments have a good experience. Also Node.js core collabotors who are interested in helping to make/keep Node.js a good choice for serverless environments


  1. Is the current state good enough to ensure future success or are there things the project should be doing to improve them?

  2. If the answer to the first question is that significant improvements are needed, document specific things that we work on/prioritize

Link to join:

Following our Technical Priorities and the feedbacks from the community, we should be working or gathering more inside / have a discussion about Node.js in the Serverless ecosystem

People to "invite"

The event could happens end of June

Topics to cover (first list of idea)

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@sheplu this is a great idea.

How about we target June 22 from 10-12 ET?

sheplu commented 1 year ago

Could be June 22 or June 29 I think (I would lean a bit more for 29 on my side but would be available for both)

We should validate the date next time we meet

edit: updating the description

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

We agreed on the 22nd and 11-1 ET

We should start to reach out to people:

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

Shared with Vercel. I'm happy to be point-person, I anticipate more Vercel folks will attend too.

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

Also shared with WinterCG during our June call. More outreach from y'all would be good though to make sure folks know what to expect during the session

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@Ethan-Arrowood is there a group in Winter-CG that we should makes sure know about the discussion?

Ethan-Arrowood commented 1 year ago

No, general group is fine. But we need more info like when, what, who should attend, etc.

And I'll be sure to cross post all relevant info for you if that's easiest!

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

@Ethan-Arrowood ack,

Meeting info (will also add to first post in issue)

Date and Time: June 22 from 10-12 ET, 14-16 GMT

Who should attend: Anybody with an interest in running Node.js in a serverless environment or ensuring that people who run Node.js in serverless environments have a good experience. Also Node.js core collabotors who are interested in helping to make/keep Node.js a good choice for serverless environments


  1. Is the current state good enough to ensure future success or are there things the project should be doing to improve them?

  2. If the answer to the first question is that significant improvements are needed, document specific things that we work on/prioritize

Link to join:

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

Sent the following email to TSC to ask for help in raising awareness in main Serverless vendors. Appologies in advance if I've left any serverless vendors out in my list, please add any that should be included.

The next-10 team has scheduled the next Deep Dive which is to be on Serverless. See for more details.

If TSC members have contacts in any of the serverless vendors (AWSM google, Azure, IBM, Cloudflare, Vercel, Red Hat, etc.) I'm asking for help in making somebody from those teams aware of the session and hopefully attend.

I'll cover letting the Red Hat and IBM Serverless teams know. Ethan is already doing the same for Vercel but we need TSC members help for the others.

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

In case people did not notice I had to change the link for the meeting to -

mhdawson commented 1 year ago

We ended up with on @wesleytodd, @lholmquist and myself. Whether is was the time, the last minute link switch, not enough work to pull the right people in or just that there is nothing "paining" people using serverless with Node.js I'm not sure. We can discuss that in the next Next-10 meeting to see if we should do a follow up or assume for now that there is nothing to prioritize on the serverless front.

thescientist13 commented 1 year ago

aw bummer, I was running a few minutes late but hopefully can catch the next one in time 👍