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Improvements to data type test functions on Napi::Value #225

Closed ebickle closed 3 years ago

ebickle commented 6 years ago

The Napi::Value class contains a number of "Is" functions that tests whether the value is a particular data type. Coverage is spotty for a few scenarios, making certain types of data type tests more complex than they need to be.

I'd like to propose the following additions:


Determine whether the value is a typed array of the specified type.

Example: value.IsTypedArray<uint8_t>().

Without this function, parameter validation of typed arrays is very complex:

  1. Value.IsTypedArray()
  2. Cast value to a TypedArray using Value.As()
  3. Use TypedArray.TypedArrayType() is used to determine the array type.
  4. Use Value.As() is used a second time to cast to the final array type. Far too complex.


Determine whether the value is an object of the specific type.

Example: value.IsInstanceOf<MyClass>();

Currently, determining whether a value is an instance of an 'ObjectWrap' subclass and unwrapping it is complex:

  1. Value.IsObject()
  2. Cast value to an Object using Value.As().
  3. Expose staticNapi::FunctionReferenceconstructor property from ObjectWrap subclass as public; note that this violates abstraction principles. Alternately, add an bool IsInstance(Napi::Value) method to the class - but at this point we're re-implementing something node-addon-api should arguably already do for us.
  4. Call Object.InstanceOf(constructor);
  5. Unwrap object.

Napi::Object already has InstanceOf(const Function &constructor) but it suffers from to flaws: 1) Callers need to cast values to an object before using it and 2) a reference to the constructor is needed (private in all samples!) - the C++ type cannot be used.


Determines whether the value is an external value of the specified type. Note that there is no Napi::External type; API consumers need to 'jump' directly from a Napi::Value to a Napi::External<T>. There is no way for a caller to determine the type of an external without this function.

mhdawson commented 6 years ago

@ebickle are these things you have time to help work on?

@jasongin any objections?

jasongin commented 6 years ago


ebickle commented 6 years ago

I'll give it a go.

IsExternalOf() will be IsExternal(), internally n-api uses void* so there's no type information to go off of. I'll look at submitting a PR for that and IsTypedArrayOf.

IsInstanceOf will be trickier. If I come up with a clean solution I'll submit it in a separate PR given it may require changes to ObjectWrap

NickNaso commented 6 years ago

Hi @ebickle, how is the status of this issue? Is it valid yet or all has been addressed with the PR

ebickle commented 6 years ago


Not resolved yet. I ran into a few code structure/design issues:

All of these are solvable problems, but it boils down to if its worth bubbling up all of this functionality into the Value class or not. 50/50

NickNaso commented 6 years ago

@ebickle Thanks for the update.

simonbuchan commented 5 years ago

I implemented something like IsExternalOf (actually for unwrap, but the same idea) with code like:

struct NapiWrappedTypeObject {};

template <typename T>
struct NapiWrapped {
  // Checks unwrap is safe by comparing a header pointer to this object
  inline static NapiWrappedTypeObject type_object;

  struct TypeWrapper {
    NapiWrappedTypeObject* type_ptr = &type_object;
    T value;

  // regular napi_define_class, napi_new_instance, napi_wrap wrappers, ...

  static napi_status try_unwrap(napi_env env, napi_value value, T** result) {
    void* raw = nullptr;
    if (auto status = napi_unwrap(env, value, &raw); status != napi_ok) {
      return status;
    auto typed = static_cast<TypeWrapper*>(raw);
    *result = typed->type_ptr != &type_object ? nullptr : &typed->value;
    return napi_ok;

But note that the inline static trick requires C++17. Otherwise the user has to have a NapiWrappedTypeObject NapiWrapped<Foo>::type_object; declaration in a .cxx file for each Foo.

Since this reserves and associates a unique memory address with each T, you can trust this at least as much as any other RTTI system: it would require very deliberate spoofing to break.

Regarding IsInstanceOf, the issue I ran into is that the N-API docs for references they say:

[...] to reference the constructor object [...] would not be possible with a normal handle returned as a napi_value

but when you pass a constructor function the napi_typeof changes from napi_function to napi_object and it gets rejected by napi_instanceof with a type error. I've been meaning to open this as a new error on nodejs/node, but I never got around to it, since after I found out about that I continued on to the above solution (which is possibly safer, if you called the constructor for one type on an unrelated type or something?), and I wasn't clear on who was at fault, references or instanceof.

mhdawson commented 3 years ago

Going to close this out as the work seems to have stalled out. Please let us know if that was not the right thing to do.