nodejs / node-core-utils

CLI tools for Node.js Core collaborators
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feat(git-node): add `git node vote` #704

Closed aduh95 closed 8 months ago

aduh95 commented 11 months ago

This PR adds git node vote command, which can be used to participate to a vote using Caritat. The idea of integrating that in ncu is that TSC folks are very likely to already have ncu installed and configured on their local machine, reducing the possible friction for a user to cast a vote, as they don't need to provide their GitHub credentials to make the API calls.

Code reviews are welcome, note that we should wait for the transfer of Caritat npm package to the @node-core scope to be completed before landing.

codecov[bot] commented 11 months ago

Codecov Report

Patch and project coverage have no change.

Comparison is base (f30cdba) 83.38% compared to head (0a4d41e) 83.38%.

Additional details and impacted files ```diff @@ Coverage Diff @@ ## main #704 +/- ## ======================================= Coverage 83.38% 83.38% ======================================= Files 37 37 Lines 4158 4158 ======================================= Hits 3467 3467 Misses 691 691 ```

:umbrella: View full report in Codecov by Sentry.
:loudspeaker: Have feedback on the report? Share it here.

aduh95 commented 10 months ago

@nodejs/node-core-utils given this PR is relatively large, it would help to have some extra pair(s) of eyes to review it :)

anonrig commented 10 months ago

Since this is specific to tsc, why not make it “git node tsc-vote”?

aduh95 commented 10 months ago

Since this is specific to tsc, why not make it “git node tsc-vote”?

It's not specific to the TSC, any other team (or anyone really) is welcome to use it.