nodejs / node-core-utils

CLI tools for Node.js Core collaborators
MIT License
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Feat: validate gpg releasers signatures #760

Open UlisesGascon opened 4 months ago

UlisesGascon commented 4 months ago


This is currently under a draft version. They main objetive is to collect early feedback before creating the final PR (proper linting, tests, etc...)

This is my first time doing changes on NCU so I might be using wrongly the API or breaking any expected convention, please let me know 👍

What is this feature about?

While working on, @RafaelGSS suggested to extend the NCU to review the signatures.

This PR introduce a new command ncu-team check-gpg. This command will check the current releasers team members and the available information in the and make some checks on the status of the individuals keys and if the keys/releasers are properly listed on the

Currently checks included

Potential additional checks

Current output

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