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Array.sort arguments order changed in Node.js 11 #24294

Closed hudochenkov closed 5 years ago

hudochenkov commented 5 years ago


I've noticed a change with Array.sort(). In Node.js 11 order of arguments passed to compare function is reversed. While in most cases it's not a problem, in some cases it causes problems.

In my project I have quite large compare function for .sort(): It relies on arguments order. It works in Node.js 4—10. I don't expect anyone to figure out what my function does, and I can't simplify it for this issue report yet.

I created a gist, which shows how arguments get to compare function in Node.js 10 and Node.js 11.

$ npx -p node@10 npx

a: 1, b: 2
a: 2, b: 3
a: 3, b: 4
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

$ npx -p node@11 npx

a: 2, b: 1
a: 3, b: 2
a: 4, b: 3
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Is it a regression or intentional change?

I tried to understand how V8 7.0 changed .sort(), but it's to complex for me :(

richardlau commented 5 years ago

It's intentional:

refack commented 5 years ago

Hello @hudochenkov, and thank you for the report. As you mention, this is a change node get by way of a update V8. There was some discussion on the implication of the new algorithm, but AFAIK this specific issue was reported for node

/CC @nodejs/v8 (esp. @targos @hashseed @mathiasbynens)

refack commented 5 years ago

P.S. @hudochenkov can you provide some data that using your code sorts differently?

devsnek commented 5 years ago

@hudochenkov stable sort means what if elements in the unsorted array were already in the correct order, they are guaranteed to be in the same order after sorting.

in any case, as long as you always return the correct number for two elements, no matter the order, the engine will properly handle it. if the engine switches the order of the arguments, it will also handle the switched return value.

hudochenkov commented 5 years ago

Thank you for quick replies!

I'll simplify my sorting function as much as possible and will provide examples of how it sorts differently. I'll do it tomorrow.

refack commented 5 years ago

I've forked your gist - to uncover the regression:

$ npx -p node@10 npx

a: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 } - 0
a: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 } - -1
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 4 } - 0
[ { p: 'mottob', id: 1 },
  { p: 'bottom', id: 2 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 3 },
  { p: 'bottom', id: 4 } ]

$ npx -p node@11 npx

a: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 } - -1
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 } - 0
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 } - 0
a: { p: 'bottom', id: 4 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 } - -1
a: { p: 'bottom', id: 4 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 } - -1
[ { p: 'bottom', id: 4 },
  { p: 'bottom', id: 2 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 1 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 3 } ]
refack commented 5 years ago

simpler code:

const declarations = [
  {p: 'mottob', id: 1},
  {p: 'bottom', id: 2},
  {p: 'mottob', id: 3},
  {p: 'mottob', id: 4},

if (process.argv[2] === 'anti' ) {
  declarations.sort((b, a) => {
    const ret = sortDeclarations(a, b);
    console.log(`a: %o, b: %o - %d`, a, b, ret);

    return -ret
} else {
  declarations.sort((a, b) => {
    const ret = sortDeclarations(a, b);
    console.log(`a: %o, b: %o - %d`, a, b, ret);

    return ret


function sortDeclarations(a, b) {
  if (b.p === 'bottom') {
    return 1;
  return -;

Get me:

D:\code\prws>d:\bin\dev\node\node10.9.0.exe t.js
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 } - 1
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 } - -2
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 4 } - -1
[ { p: 'bottom', id: 2 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 1 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 3 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 4 } ]

D:\code\prws>d:\bin\dev\node\node11.0.0.exe t.js
a: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 } - 1
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 } - 1
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 4 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 } - 1
[ { p: 'mottob', id: 1 },
  { p: 'bottom', id: 2 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 3 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 4 } ]

D:\code\prws>d:\bin\dev\node\node11.0.0.exe t.js anti
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 }, b: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 } - 1
a: { p: 'bottom', id: 2 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 } - -1
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 } - -2
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 1 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 4 } - -3
a: { p: 'mottob', id: 3 }, b: { p: 'mottob', id: 4 } - -1
[ { p: 'bottom', id: 2 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 1 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 3 },
  { p: 'mottob', id: 4 } ]
mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

This is not a regression; it’s an implementation detail that shouldn’t be relied upon.

mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

My above comment was in response to the gist in the OP, i.e.

@refack, let me respond to your test case now. This program demonstrates something separate from the issue OP reported. The sort callback in this code example is what the spec calls an inconsistent comparison function. For example, assume the following values:

Now, given the way sortDeclarations is written, we can observe the following:

The result of a sort with an inconsistent comparison function is implementation-defined, and cannot be relied upon. In other words, this too is WAI.

hudochenkov commented 5 years ago

Thank you for investigation, @refack! And thank you for clarification, @mathiasbynens!

this order wildly varies across implementations, and even within the same engine it can change at any point; developers shouldn’t rely on it.

I guess I was just lucky with my sorting function all these years :) I'm going to rewrite it to be independent of arguments order.

refack commented 5 years ago

inconsistent comparison function.

I agree on that. But we still have a user-land regression, due to a dependency on unspecified behaviour.

If timsort can call the the compare function in an anti-commutative way, and that will get some percentage of such code to work again, while not breaking the spec, IMO it's a win-win.

refack commented 5 years ago

I'm a bit ambivalent on this, but I'm still marking this regression since the array.sort implementation did not go through a deprecation cycle, and defacto we have user code that broke without enough notification. as per our policy -

P.S. in I did not object to landing this, even though there was indication that user code was going to break (at least 300 lines in ~50 npm packages) due to using a comparison function that returns Boolean, because IMHO that was misuse of the public API. Here we have a much subtler situation, where the user code looks like it's correct (i.e. would pass compilation if it was strongly typed), and probably passes tests. Admittedly because it's relying on unspecified behaviour.

mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

in #22754 (comment) I did not object to landing this, even though there was indication that user code was going to break (lt least 300 line in ~50 npm packages) due to using a comparison function that returns Boolean, because IMHO that was misuse of the public API.

Here we have a much subtler situation, where the user code looks like it's correct (i.e. would pass compilation if it was strongly typed), and probably passes tests. Admittedly because it's relying on unspecified behaviour.

I don’t see how these situations are different. They’re both examples of problems caused by inconsistent comparison functions. It’s not Node.js’s responsibility to provide support for something that’s explicitly unspecified behavior, IMHO.

A comparison function that returns a boolean true or false is no worse than a comparison function that returns only 1 or 0 (but never -1) — in fact, it’s equivalent per spec, since ToNumber is implicitly called on the result. Both situations are just as bad; they’re both inconsistent comparison functions.

refack commented 5 years ago

they’re both inconsistent comparison functions.

True. But bottom line we have users hurting, and I'm asking, can we mitigate the situation? IMO if calling the comparison in anti-commutative way has only benefits, we should consider that. If that's not possible, we need to think is there's something else we can do. If we can't do anything, then we admit it's a known-limitation/wontfix situation.

Anyway I think we should do a publicity push to get users aware of this situation, and how they should solve issue with inconsistent comparison functions.

mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

IMO if calling the comparison in anti-commutative way has only benefits, we should consider that.

I don’t understand what you mean by this suggestion.

refack commented 5 years ago


instead of:

const result: Number = sortCompare(context, userCmpFn, x, y);


const result: Number = -sortCompare(context, userCmpFn, y, x);
mathiasbynens commented 5 years ago

AFAICT, that just shifts the problem to other inconsistent comparison functions.

hashseed commented 5 years ago

Imo it's a slippery slope if we started to cater to bugs in user code. Relevant xkcd:

refack commented 5 years ago

If there's an XKCD for this I have to concede (praise be to Randall Munroe seer of truth)

neerajdana996 commented 5 years ago

May this help

JJBocanegra commented 4 years ago


instead of:

const result: Number = sortCompare(context, userCmpFn, x, y);


const result: Number = -sortCompare(context, userCmpFn, y, x);

If I do that, then in Firefox browser it will be with the wrong order, because it uses the normal parameters order.

Take this example to get the admins at the beginning of the list:

const members = [
  { id: 1, isAdmin: true },
  { id: 2, isAdmin: false },
  { id: 3, isAdmin: true },

members.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a.isAdmin) return -1;
  if (b.isAdmin) return 1;
  return 0;

It will return order them by these IDs in Chrome 3, 1, 2 and by these in Firefox 1, 3, 2

devsnek commented 4 years ago

@JJBocanegra That's because your comparison function is inconsistent. It returns -1 for both check(members[0], members[2]) and check(members[2], members[0]). A better comparison would be this:

(a, b) => {
  if (a.isAdmin == b.isAdmin) {
    return -;
  if (a.isAdmin) {
    return -1;
  return 1;
JJBocanegra commented 4 years ago

@devsnek But that's implying that I want to order by ID, but I do not, I want the initial order to be respected. Consider this:

const members = [
  { id: 3, isAdmin: true },
  { id: 1, isAdmin: false },
  { id: 2, isAdmin: true },

I want the final order to be

  { id: 3, isAdmin: true },
  { id: 2, isAdmin: true },
  { id: 1, isAdmin: false },

And with your suggestion it would fail too.

addaleax commented 4 years ago

@JJBocanegra Can you open a new issue at instead of discussing this one?

JJBocanegra commented 4 years ago

@addaleax sure, but isn't it better to have it here because is directly related to the issue?

addaleax commented 4 years ago

@JJBocanegra As @devsnek said, this is a bug in your code. It’s not really related to this issue here.

JJBocanegra commented 4 years ago

@addaleax I don't think it's a bug in my code, what If I want to use the initial order as a secondary sorting like is the case? With the arguments inverted is not possible without modifying the initial data adding some kind of index because other browsers use the correct arguments order.

devsnek commented 4 years ago

@JJBocanegra you could return 0 instead of return - The point is that if both items have the same isAdmin value, they need to compare consistently by some other metric.