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Reality Check #36967

Closed anor731 closed 3 years ago

anor731 commented 3 years ago

Why license law is digging people graves:

IE Website is 26MB Chrome Website is 260MB along with hosting google's personal stuff or whatever.

JavaScript got same turing completness and callbacks...

Promises are kind of horse's vomit or whatever for simple minded, callbacked arrays of functions are far much better operable.

There's not problem solvable by promise, you cannot solve by callback and if error then log state.

Literally, the fact IE was licensed and we couldn't dissassemble it when it was dissapearing from users, cost like 70% of ram of our infrastructure today.

IE could have dissapeared from users to clouds, because now, clouds browse people, not people clouds.

Like really, let's make some dissassembler with evaluation engine in node and deconstruct IE6 down to "Internet" js run engine.

That old javascript, can have ported good ES in few days, because they're mostly syntax, but arrow functions are different, but...

Mostly, we can disobey TC39 then and make a better server language, and don't have to respect any "authority", I have to laught now,... Mostly they invent bullshit and refuse good things...

They work two years on range that can be defined as function range, or something like that whole time.

Some things ware good, but I don't need {import1, import2} imports, because I can always import whole object, and code is droped not if not imported, but if unused later in code, because there's no "eval".


pixel by pixel is maybe faster than canvas?

In what kind of hell we are living?

anor731 commented 3 years ago

It's true that TC39 never passes something good only for server, because they are jealous of sixel terminals.

anor731 commented 3 years ago

Please, dissassembly IE, or ask microsoft for fucking permission to run IE on linux, we can't live like this.

But contrary to that, even NODE can hold bitmap picture on less ram than GIMP...

And that's total... Disaster.