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http2 client stream processing is 20x slower than curl #50972

Closed DavyLandman closed 10 months ago

DavyLandman commented 10 months ago




Linux matrix1 5.10.0-25-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.191-1 (2023-08-16) x86_64 Linux



What steps will reproduce the bug?


const fs = require("fs");
const stream = require("stream");
const http2 = require("http2");
const crypto = require("crypto");

const server = http2.createSecureServer({
  key: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-privkey.pem"),
  cert: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-cert.pem"),
  allowHTTP1: true, // http2 upgrade
  settings: { initialWindowSize: 8 * 1024 * 1024} // has no effect on performance

server.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));

const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(256*1024*1024);

server.on("stream", (st, headers) => {
    'content-type': 'application/octet-stream',
    ":status": 200,

server.listen(8443, () => {
  console.log("HTTPS (HTTP/2) listening on 8443 port");

which you launch on server A


const fs = require("fs");
const http2 = require("http2");
const process = require("process");

let round = 0;
function download() {
  const client = http2.connect(process.env["TARGET_HOST"] ?? "https://localhost:8443", {
    ca: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-cert.pem"),
    checkServerIdentity: () => undefined

  client.once('remoteSettings', settings => {
    client.setLocalWindowSize(1 * 1024 * 1024); // this does not improve performance

  const recv = client.request({":path": "/"});

  recv.on("response", () => {
    const start = process.hrtime();
    let received = 0;
    recv.on('data', d => received += d.length);
    recv.on('error', console.error);
    recv.on('end', () => {
      const [timeSpendS, timeSpendNS] = process.hrtime(start);
      const mbSize = received / (1024 * 1024);
        `Downloading from h2 speed (${Math.trunc(mbSize)} MB): ${
          mbSize / (timeSpendS + timeSpendNS * 1e-9)
        } MB/s`
      if (round < 3) {
        // to give node a fair chance of getting close to curl
        // we go throught the download 3 times (sequentually).
        // such that node has had time to JIT etc.


which you copy onto server B.

the ssl certs can be generated with:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 \
   -subj '//CN=localhost' -keyout localhost-privkey.pem -out localhost-cert.pem 


if we have the server running on machine A and run the following commands on A:

$ curl --http2 -k https://localhost:8443 --output /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  256M    0  256M    0     0   485M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  484M

and we run the node http2 client:

$ NODE_ENV=production TARGET_HOST="https://localhost:8443" node h2client.js
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 273.4499784918774 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 329.824609322106 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 384.6000595511126 MB/s

we see that it gets quite close to curl.

private 10Gbit network

if we run curl on machine B:

$ curl --http2 -k https://A:8443/ --output /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  256M    0  256M    0     0   406M      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  406M

we see it hit 400MB/s (the machines are connected by a 10Gbit connection. Which is actually quite nice).

if we run the the nodejs script:

$ NODE_ENV=production TARGET_HOST="https://A:8443" node h2client.js
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 19.914991407560656 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 19.969878193963538 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 19.76235255075049 MB/s

This is 20x slower than the curl speed. Something is wrong. We found this issue while debugging throughput issues with grpc-js, which is using http2 for it's transport layer.

Note, the same is true if we turn around the direction. so if h2 server is receiving a large stream that a client (for example curl) is sending, it's also maxed out at 20MB/s.

How often does it reproduce? Is there a required condition?

Every time if the http2 client is not going via the loopback. We've also tested the other direction, so the client sending stuff to the server on the stream, same performance loss, but now on the server side.

We've also reproduced this on other servers.

What is the expected behavior? Why is that the expected behavior?

Reasonable performance of h2 library, also when not on the loopback. A current workaround is to use Caddy as a grpc frontend that always connect to the node server via loopback.

What do you see instead?

I already wrote the output in the repo case description

Additional information

in the non localhost case, cpu of the server idles around 1% with the 19MB/s case. the 400mb/s gets it to a short peak of 25%.

iperf is reproting 1.2Gbit up & down between the two severs.

DavyLandman commented 10 months ago

Ok, so even though I read all the issues about http2 in this repo, and specifically this one: #38426 , I didn't manage to have it in the right combination of settings.

The fix was that the client needs to also do settings: { initialWindowSize: 8 * 1024 * 1024} in it's connect call. not just on the server side.

But I think it's a dupe of #38426. I think it's time to at least tune that window a bit. 8MB was enough to get to close to curl speeds.

However, this doesn't fix it in the other direction, so when sending a large stream to the server.

DavyLandman commented 10 months ago

So I think there is still an issue, I would love to help debug whats going on. The initial issue I wrote it for downloading to the client, since thats a bit easier to write. but if we use the stream in "reverse" the fixes of correctly setting the initialWindowSize and the localWindowSize do not work. Interesting fact, curl also struggles with that direction.

Here is a combination of client & server that do the same after each other:


const fs = require("fs");
const stream = require("stream");
const http2 = require("http2");
const crypto = require("crypto");

const server = http2.createSecureServer({
  key: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-privkey.pem"),
  cert: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-cert.pem"),
  allowHTTP1: true, // http2 upgrade
  settings: { initialWindowSize: 8 * 1024 * 1024} 

server.on('error', (err) => console.log(err));

const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(256*1024*1024);

server.on("connect", (session) => {

server.on("stream", (st, headers) => {
    'content-type': 'application/octet-stream',
    ":status": 200,
  if (headers[':path'] === "/download") {
  else {
    st.on('data', d => st.resume());
    st.on('error', console.error);
    st.on('end', () => st.close());

server.listen(8443, () => {
  console.log("HTTPS (HTTP/2) listening on 8443 port");


const fs = require("fs");
const http2 = require("http2");
const process = require("process");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const stream = require("stream");

const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(256*1024*1024);

function upload() {
  const client = http2.connect(process.env["TARGET_HOST"] ?? "https://localhost:8443", {
    ca: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-cert.pem"),
    checkServerIdentity: () => undefined,
    settings: { initialWindowSize: 8 * 1024 * 1024}

  client.once('remoteSettings', settings => {
    client.setLocalWindowSize(settings.initialWindowSize ?? (8 * 1024 * 1024));

  const recv = client.request({":path": "/upload"}, {endStream: false});

  recv.on("response", () => {
    const start = process.hrtime();
      .on("end", () => {
        const [timeSpendS, timeSpendNS] = process.hrtime(start);
        const mbSize = buffer.length / (1024 * 1024);
          `Uploading to h2 speed (${Math.trunc(mbSize)} MB): ${
            mbSize / (timeSpendS + timeSpendNS * 1e-9)
          } MB/s`
        if (round < 3) {
          // to give node a fair chance of getting close to curl
          // we go throught the upload 3 times (sequentually).
          // such that node has had time to JIT etc.

let round = 0;
function download() {
  const client = http2.connect(process.env["TARGET_HOST"] ?? "https://localhost:8443", {
    ca: fs.readFileSync("./localhost-cert.pem"),
    checkServerIdentity: () => undefined,
    settings: { initialWindowSize: 8 * 1024 * 1024}

  client.once('remoteSettings', settings => {
    client.setLocalWindowSize(8 * 1024 * 1024);

  const recv = client.request({":path": "/download"});

  recv.on("response", () => {
    const start = process.hrtime();
    let received = 0;
    recv.on('data', d => {
      received += d.length;
    } );
    recv.on('error', console.error);
    recv.on('end', () => {
      const [timeSpendS, timeSpendNS] = process.hrtime(start);
      const mbSize = received / (1024 * 1024);
        `Downloading from h2 speed (${Math.trunc(mbSize)} MB): ${
          mbSize / (timeSpendS + timeSpendNS * 1e-9)
        } MB/s`
      if (round < 3) {
          // to give node a fair chance of getting close to curl
          // we do the download 3 times (sequentually).
          // such that node has had time to JIT etc.
      else {
        // download is done, now do the upload
        round = 0;



Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 543.5856301100234 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 606.9770638304905 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 649.8966868629931 MB/s
Uploading to h2 speed (256 MB): 334.71601949601046 MB/s
Uploading to h2 speed (256 MB): 376.4662688384861 MB/s
Uploading to h2 speed (256 MB): 428.22049972124603 MB/s


 curl --http2 -k -T test.bin https://localhost:8443/upload --output /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  400M    0     0  100  400M      0   379M  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  380M

10gbit local network:

$ NODE_ENV=production TARGET_HOST="https://A:8443" node h2client.js
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 311.8253894461286 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 310.88049402369046 MB/s
Downloading from h2 speed (256 MB): 334.249506006649 MB/s
Uploading to h2 speed (256 MB): 17.867146518683615 MB/s
Uploading to h2 speed (256 MB): 17.351565167350397 MB/s
Uploading to h2 speed (256 MB): 17.98656213881376 MB/s


curl --http2 -k -T test.bin https://A:8443/upload --output /dev/null
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  400M    0     0  100  400M      0  11.5M  0:00:34  0:00:34 --:--:-- 11.4M

So is there maybe some extra window size parameter I have yet to discover to get streams to upload at the same speed as the other direction?

DavyLandman commented 10 months ago

Closing this issue in favor of a much simpler variant of the same problem: #51014